Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Prepared For The Challenge

 Read 1 Samuel 17:8-11, 32-50

Once again the Philistines and the Israelites were lined up for battle. What makes this time different was that the Philistines had issued a one-on-one challenge: hand-to-hand combat, winner takes all. The one who prevails finishes off the challenger and the nation of the defeated champion becomes the servant of the victor. For 40 days, twice a day, the Philistine champion came forward and issued the challenge (verse 16). The Israelites dressed every day for battle, cried out their battle cry, but then shrunk back deeper into their fear with every challenge (verse 21 & 24).

David came to the army’s encampment to bring supplies to his brothers. He was there when Goliath issued one of his bi-daily challenges.  He did not cower like everyone around him. Instead, he recognized that God had not only brought him to that place at that time, but also had prepared him for this very challenge.  Hours spent practicing with his sling had proven itself useful to frighten off stalking predator, like a coyote or fox.  When the enemy was a ferocious lion or bear, his skills had to be backed with courage.  This bear of a man who threatened the flock of God was no different then the bear that had threatened his own sheep. He went to King Saul willing to face the Philistine champion, because God was his. (Read Jeremiah 20:11)  He trusted his God and believed he was called to the task then and now.

At first Saul was put off by David’s age.  But this wasn’t the first time he had met this young man.  David had been serving him as a musician when Saul was overcome by panic attacks and occasionally as an armor bearer. He had come highly recommended (see 1 Samuel 16:18) and proved to be a man of genuine faith.  God had been preparing both of them for this moment where Saul would need to decide whether or not to entrust the welfare of his entire kingdom to David’s faith.  

Given the go ahead, David stepped across the brook to accepted the challenge. He stopped and picked up 5 smooth stones. His preparation in the pasture helped him identify just the right size, shape and texture of stone.  He knew any of these would do the trick when guided by the sovereign hand of God.  Sure enough that one stone struck with perfect accuracy the one place Goliath was vulnerable.

God showed up to slay this giant, because David showed up.  We live in a world of giants: fear, doubt, unexpected crisis, situations that remind us just how small we truly are, etc.  God wants to show up and defeat that giant. He does it through you. He has brought you here and prepared you for this challenge. But you have to show up on the inside as well as the outside

Making It Personal

As believers, how can we be just like the Israelite army – show up dressed for battle, but cowering on the inside that we will be called out for one-on-one battle with the enemy?

What giant of a challenge do you face right now in your life?

How has God prepared you to face this challenge?

God provides you with 5 smooth stones that will defeat any giant in your life. They are truths about your God:
·                  God is 
·                  God has 
·                  God does
·                  God can
·                  God will

Take the time to find 5 stones. Write one of these truths on a stone.  

Now, take some target practice. Think of a “giant,” and “throw” one of the stones at it.  How does that stone knock that giant down to size?

Through the Day Challenge

Carry these stones with you today.  As you face challenges throughout the day, grab one and apply the truth written on it.

This evening journal how your faith-thrown stone enabled you to be victorious over your giant(s).

Originally posted 7/31/2011