Friday, November 05, 2021

Forward Faith

 Read John 4:43-53

Hebrews 11:6 tells us “without faith it is impossible to please God.” Unfortunately, we consistently fail to please God because what we call faith is in reality an almost belief. We want to take God at His word, but until we actually see it, have it in our grasp or feel it emotionally; we don’t quite let go of the fear or doubt.  There is no confidence or peace. We aren’t pleased and neither is the Lord. He wants us to have forward faith.

One of Herod’s top employees went from Capernaum to Cana to find Jesus. A distance of about 20 miles, a couple hours drive by company chariot.  When he approached Jesus, Jesus didn’t have to ask what he needed. He was quite insistent. His son was dying and needed Jesus to come NOW!  (Our translation isn’t quite as emphatic as the Greek.) Even when Jesus challenged his sincerity he would not give up. “Sir, come down before my child dies!”  But Jesus didn’t go. Instead He told this distraught father, “You may go. Your son will live.” Verse 50 says, “The man took Jesus at His word and departed.”

If he was like most of us, he would have responded with almost belief. He would jump back in his chariot and hightail it back home to check on his son.  However, this man really took Jesus at His word.  He didn’t rush back home. We don’t know where he went, most likely completed some royal business, but it wasn’t until the next day that his servants caught up with him “with the news that his boy was living.”  When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour.” The father realized that this was the exact time Jesus had said, “Your son will live.” He had forward faith. He heard Jesus’ promise, believed it completely and went forward, knowing without proof that what Jesus promised would absolutely happen.

Jesus extends to us many wonderful promises – the promise of forgiveness if we confess our sins, the promise of wisdom if we ask, the promise of strength if we depend on Him, the promise of sufficient grace to do whatever He asks us to do, the promise of unconditional love, the promise of usefulness and purpose.  His word is full of promises. As we spend time with Him in Scripture and prayer He may give each of us personal promises as well.

It takes forward faith to take God at His word and hold on to His promises. Forward faith means moving up, in and out. It keeps walking by faith, not by sight or by feelings or by any other tangible proof. Forward faith is confidence built on the unwavering faithfulness of Jesus.  The guaranteed result will always be that God will be greatly pleased.

Making It Personal

Which describes you best: almost belief or forward faith?

What was the testimony of Abraham’s life according to Romans 4:19-21?

Is that the testimony of your life? 

God has a purpose for your life.  According to the following verses, what does God’s word assure you regarding that plan and purpose?
·                  Isaiah 25:1
·                  Jeremiah 29:11
·                  Job 42:2
·                  Romans 8:28

How can you apply those promises to today?

Through the Day Challenge

How have you moved forward in faith today without wavering in unbelief?  If you found yourself struggling with almost belief instead, journal what you found challenging and what you think kept you from fully trusting God.

Originally posted 7/13/2011