Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Harvest Vision

As Jesus was going through all the cities and villages teaching and healing, he saw so many people with an abundance of needs.  His heart was moved with deep compassion.  He looked at the barrenness of their lives and saw a rich and ready harvest.  Jesus wants His disciples to see what He sees. “Lift up your eyes and look!”  See the fields ready to be harvested.

We have to look with eyes of faith, because the harvest is not always obvious.  Paul told Timothy to “be ready in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2)  Out of season, harvest looks months away (John 4:35), if not further.   We don’t know what all God has done to prepare them for the arrival of the Kingdom of God into their lives.  We look at their lives and situations and are overwhelmed at what all needs to be done.  We forget that the greater the need, the more plentiful the harvest. 

In season, the harvest is obvious.  The opportunity is right here.  The time is now. Actually, it may be past time.  Willfulness and disobedience can delay our responding to the call to bring into the storehouse of the kingdom those whom the Holy Spirit has been preparing for our arrival.  Both the harvest and the Lord of the harvest are waiting for the harvesters – us! 

The Lord wants us to catch the vision: “the fields are ripe for harvest” - be amazed at the possibility and the potential. There are so many in need of being brought into the Kingdom of God. We are incredibly blessed to be a part of this wonderful harvesting work – whatever aspect the Lord of the Harvest assigns to us.  It begins with having harvest vision, which moves our heart with compassion, just as it did Christ’s.  It will produce in us fervor to grasp the possibility before us.

Harvest vision sees the big picture; it also sees the specifics.  As a harvester, the focus narrows and each stalk and every grain is handled with care so all is gathered into the storehouse for the prosperity and benefit of the Kingdom.  It takes working side-by-side with other harvesters to bring in the full harvest.

Once we are aware of how plentiful and ready the harvest truly is we realize the need for more harvesters.  More workers means no one is missed, no opportunity lost or overlooked; the full harvest is gathered for the Father's glory. This needs to be a matter of earnest prayer that others will hear the Lord’s call to join the harvesting crew. We need to share our own harvest vision of fields ripe and ready, and encouraging others to join us so together we can rejoice bringing in the full harvest to glory of God.

Making It Personal

What does being a harvester mean to you?

How does knowing God is sending you into a field ripe and ready to be harvested help prepare you to ...
Minister to others?  

Reduce fear? 

Build excitement? 

Encourage partnership with other believers?

Harvest vision, as well as the strength and ability to bring in the harvest, come from the Holy Spirit.  Make the following your prayer for yourself specifically, and then your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

I ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory, to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is He is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life He has for Christians, oh, the utter extravagance of His work in us who trust Him—endless energy, boundless strength!  Ephesians 1:17-19 The Message

Originally posted 6/26/11