Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Don't Think, Know

 Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

These ancient Israelites thought they knew what obedience was: they moved when God’s presence in the form of a cloud moved.  They thought they knew what faith was: like walking through the Red Sea. They thought they knew what depending on God was as they daily gathered the divinely provided manna.  They thought they knew what it meant to be satisfied by God as they drank water freely out of a rock in the middle of the dry, arid wilderness. They thought they knew; they didn’t!  Had they known, they could have stood up against all they encountered on the journey.  Since they didn’t know, they fell for every temptation along the way. They craved evil things.  They found substitutes for God. They acted immorally.  They grumbled and complained.  They pushed God’s patience to the limit.

Temptations are part of life’s journey.  God is unbelievably gracious. He has put a divine hedge around you.  He knows your strengths and weaknesses. He knows you, and sets the limits accordingly.  He will not allow you to be tempted in a way or in an area He knows you cannot resist.  The temptations He allows always have an escape.  Our idea of an escape is ZAP the temptation disappears, or we are given instant superpower that enables us to restrain all evil with a laser-like stare.  But verse 13 says our way out is actually a way to stay in.  It comes in the form of endurance “so that you can stand up under it.”  God willingly provides what you need to victoriously endure the full duration of the temptation regardless the strength of the enemy.  According to Ephesians 6:13, that provision is in the form of the full armor of God “so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, having done everything to stand.”

Armor always includes combat boots. In the first century, glass and sharp stones were embedded into the soles like spikes in athletic shoes. This gave them firm footing in precarious terrain. It helped them climb higher and stand steady in hand-to-hand combat. Their efficiency as a soldier required being surefooted.  Spiritually our combat boots are “the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”  It is knowing! Knowing God and His character; knowing how God acts and thinks; knowing what He desires and what pleases Him. Knowing what obedience, faith, dependence and contentment truly are.  You can know these by knowing God’s word.

It is so easy to fall. It is inevitable, but very much optional! Assumptions, guesses, and hearsay (what you’ve heard from others) will not get you through temptations. Complacency and being consumed with comfort and convenience will set you up for a fall.  Satan knows what you know. He knows where you are susceptible. He knows what worked in the past.   “So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.” Don’t think, know! Be careful!  Be ready! Stand firm!

Making It Personal

Dealing with people from different cultures and experiences, you may find they deal with temptations you didn’t even know existed. It is easy to judge temptations you do not understand or have never faced personally.

What does that tell you that God doesn’t even allow you to be tempted in that area?

How does each element of the full armor of God help you endure temptations that you may face today? 
-   Harness of truth
-   Breastplate of righteousness
-   Combat boots of knowing
-   Helmet of salvation
-   Shield of faith
-   Sword of the word of God
-   Readiness through communication with the commander

What is the promise of Psalms 37:23-24?  What does it require of you?

Through the Day Challenge

Today, be intentionally aware of endurance as a choice.   Journal what you learned through this awareness.

Originally posted 6/19/11