Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 Read Genesis 1:1,26-31

When God decided to create this world He had something very special in mind.  This world was made for humanity and humanity was made for Him.  He alone would be God, that was not going to change, but He invited His most precious creation to join Him in divine partnership.

God’s intent from the beginning was everything He does would be for, with or through us, and everything mankind does is to be for, with and through Him. God doesn’t give small.  He gives His all. He asks only the same of us. It is not equality in what is given, but in how much is given. His intent is His all for our all.  That is partnership!

God is determined to work in partnership with His most precious creation.   Read 2 Chronicles 16:9 carefully.  He is still looking!  The verb tense of this verse is one of constant motion, back and forth, to and fro, covering every square inch so nothing is overlooked.  God is constantly looking for ways to support, provide, protect and be there for those whose hearts are fully His.

God desires to use every situation, everything that is happening, has happened and will happen, every joy, every sorrow, every opportunity, every resource at His disposal to help us be and do all He desires for us and from us.  He sees the big and the little, the obvious and seemingly insignificant, successes and failures, the good and not so good, everything and anything, and says, “I can use that!” According to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9, the Lord wants to make sure that we do not lack in any spiritual gift or resource.  He supplies all our needs out of the abundance that is Christ. (Philippians 4:19 and 2 Corinthians 9:8)  He gives us His all so we can give our all to Him and to those He calls us to serve in partnership with Him.  

Our ALL may be nothing compared to His ALL, but it is huge to us and God knows it.  His ALL is huge to Him as well, especially since He knows that crumbs from His table are sufficient to meet our greatest needs. (See Matthew 15:22-28) Instead He offers an entire banquet of all He is and asks that we simply bring to the table an empty earthen vessel so He can fill it. (2 Corinthians 4:7) Then in partnership we can take what He provides and share it with a needy world.

God will NOT work outside of this partnership.  He can, but He won’t.  We too can live and work outside of partnership, but shouldn’t.  Not many do. It is sad how rare  partnership truly is. It is our choice. We decide if it is all for allnone for none, or some for some.  He works within the boundaries we set. His plan and His desire is to be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28 and Ephesians 1:22,23). We decide.

Making It Personal

What does partnering with God mean to you?

How does it impact you that God under-stands the cost of giving all?

God gives you His all so you can give your all. How does that help you face the unknown and the unexpected?

God invites you to a divine partnership  There is no better way to prepare for the challenges ahead then surrendering your all and receiving His.  It is a choice and a commitment.  You have to decide. Journal your response.

 Originally posted 6/11/11