Friday, October 29, 2021

Avoiding the Drifts

Going to the beach and floating in the ocean is so much fun, but there is one constant challenge: not to drift away.  There is always a danger of drifting out where it is extremely deep and sharks are a real danger, or being carried down the shoreline resulting in a long challenging walk back.  You don’t have to be playing in the ocean to be in danger of drifting. 

Actually, there is an even greater danger of drifting in day-to-day living.  The everyday current of life, not to mention unpredictable storms that rock our faith, make us all susceptible to drifting away from a glorifying life and into unseen dangers.  Little waves of temptation carry us away from alignment with God’s will. We go with the flow and end up ignoring “such a great salvation” – all God wants to do with, in and through us. 

No one is immune to drifting. For that reason, it is important to heed the warning in Hebrews 2:1.  “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”

So, how do we keep from drifting?   In the ocean, as in our Christian walk, it requires two things: keeping our eyes on home base, and treading like crazy to stay aligned.  We have to keep our eyes on Jesus. If other things distract us, away we drift. Only by keeping our priorities and purpose aligned with Jesus can we keep from drifting from the holy life He died to make possible. It takes effort, strength and endurance to keep from drifting away from the center of God’s will.  Lack of strength comes from neglecting our spiritual diet of God’s word.  Lack of endurance comes from neglecting spiritual exercise, which includes exercising our faith, making those hard choices and standing firm against compromise.  Lack of effort is a direct result of failing to keeping in mind the consequences of drifting.  

Drifting is never intentional. It can and does happen without our even knowing it as we slowly go floating along in life.  It is usually not until we face the consequences of having drifted off that we realize we are no longer where we should be in our walk with Christ. We can actually measure how far we have drifted by how long it takes us to go from realization to restoration of focus, dependence and devotion.

The minute we notice that we have drifted, we need to start swimming back to Jesus.  It begins with a renewed desire to be with Him.  It will take some effort and humility, but it is definitely worth it.  Wherever we are there is no need for panic. If it seems to far and too hard, just call out to the Lord. He loves us enough to do whatever is necessary to bring us back to where we belong: having an amazing time in the center of His will.  Enjoying life to the fullest in the ocean of His love and grace!

Making It Personal

What has been your personal experience with drifting?

Can you pinpoint a common cause in your life?

Deuteronomy 4:23-28 warns about a horrible case of the drifts.  What is the promise in verse 29?

Because of the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit, we never “swim” alone.  What role does He desire to play in helping you avoid the drifts? 

Some people are afraid to enjoy the full adventure of life in and with Christ, because they are afraid of the consequences of drifting.  They tether themselves to Christ not with faith and devotion, but with fear and rules.  How does this compare with the abundant life He wants us to live?

Through the Day Challenge

Today you will encounter people who are being tossed every which way by the waves of life, desperate for a ring of hope to grab on to.  Journal how the Lord deployed you as a life preserver today to help someone adrift or in danger of drifting.

originally posted 7/7/11