Sunday, December 15, 2013

Participating in the Miracle

A huge crowd had gathered in a desolate secluded place to hear Jesus.  Jesus taught them many things. Time quickly passed. It was probably rumbling stomachs that reminded the disciples that it was late and no one had eaten.  Jesus’ response to their prompting that it was time to send the crowd on their way so they could find something to eat was met with “You feed them.”  Obviously, they had neither food nor money to feed this crowd of over 5000.  All they managed to scrounge up was a young boy’s uneaten lunch of five rolls and two dried fish.  Beginning with a boy giving his all to Jesus, the miraculous happened.

Jesus broke the bread and fish into pieces and gave it the disciples to be shared.  The miracle continued as each one in the crowd chose to participate in the sharing. Handed a piece, each person had to choose as to whether to keep it and make a dent in their own want or simply break off a mouthful and pass the rest on to another.  A mouthful would not satisfy their hunger, but as they passed it on, another piece was handed to them. Piece by piece, a portion was broken off and eaten until everyone was full.  After everyone had enough, the disciples walked among the throngs collecting twelve baskets of excess.  Everyone was fed as mouthful by mouthful they participated in the miracle. 

A group of shepherds were also asked to participate in a miracle.  Read Luke 2:8-20.  The angel told them that he had good news of great joy that was for everyone. It was being given to them for distribution.  They had to then choose what they would do with it.   They could have kept it to themselves, but they chose to participate in the miracle by sharing. They passed on the truth of Jesus’ birth to everyone they met. “When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” (vs. 17,18) In turn, that person had to choose whether or not to believe – take off his/her portion of truth and pass it on to others.

In Luke 2:36-38, is the story of another person who also chose to participate in the miracle by sharing. Anna had spent a lifetime serving in the temple praying for others and her country. Observing Jesus’ baby dedication, her prepared heart immediately recognized that this infant was the promised Messiah.  She gratefully took her portion of truth and “continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.” (v. 38)

Now it is our turn.  This “good news of great joy” is for everyone. Others have heard and chosen to share with us the good news about Jesus.  By grace, we have been handed the Bread of Life that has been broken and shared to satisfy the very hunger of our souls (John 6:33-35). Now it is up to us to gratefully and joyfully share it with others. We are extended an opportunity to participate in the miracle of this life-giving Bread of Life and world-impacting Good News by passing it on to those around us so they can pass it on to those who are beyond our reach, until all us, like the shepherds can actively be “glorifying and praising God for all that [we have] heard and seen.” (Luke 2:20)

Making It Personal

These miracles could not happen without someone first giving his/her all. The little boy gave all he had to eat.  Jesus gave all He had and was. What are you willing to give for the sake of God’s glory and bestowing of grace on others?

How does knowing that what you give may be the beginning of a miracle impact your willingness to want to give it all?

Who has shared the Bread of Life and the good news of great joy of a Savior with you? 

Has it miraculously satisfied a hunger in your life?

Have you kept that amazing news and satisfying Bread to yourself?

How does the concept of participating in a miracle motivate you to share what you’ve been given?

Who is the first person you would like to hand your latest portion of soul-satisfying “bread”?