Friday, June 21, 2013

You Have What They Need

David had ruled in Hebron for seven years.  There was no mention of any palace.  He had gotten by so far without one.  He was use to making do with whatever he had, wherever he was at. A palace in Jerusalem wasn't even on his radar. He didn’t know he had a need.  But his friend did!   

Hiram was the king of a thriving kingdom. He knew how important an identifiable place of authority was in a world of kings and kingdoms.  Hiram showed up with everything he needed to build David a palace: wagon after wagon of the finest timber, along with skilled carpenters and stonemasons. Recent archeological discoveries show it to be quite grand. Hiram gave his best to meet David’s need.

David needed lumber. 
God had lumber.
He gave it to Hiram. 
Through Hiram, God gave it to David.

God loves to work that way – involving His children in meeting the needs of others. Your friend needs grace.  God has grace.  He has given that grace to you.  Through you, He desires to give it to your friend.

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.   1 Peter 4:10

The word that has been translated “special gift” is charisma, which means gift of grace. Grace is the manifestation of the character of God. These have been entrusted to us as good and faithful stewards. We have to use these wonderful gifts of grace that God has poured into our lives in serving others. They needed it. Some don’t even know they need it. 

Their needs will be diverse and unique. There is just the right size and shape of grace for every need. Actually, the word translated “manifold” is poikilos, which means diverse in shape, color, dimension, size and achievement.  It is the word we get “polka dot.”  Philippians 4:19 states, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”  Most often He does that through the varied and wonderful polka dots of grace entrusted to us.

Reaching out requires effort, time and sacrifice.  Hiram could have kept all his lumber to build his own grand palace. Since lumber was one of Tyre’s major exports, he could have offered it to David at a good price.  But out of love for the Lord and for David, Hiram gave the best he had for their sake (God’s and David’s).  He saw what he had, not as “his,” but as an entrustment for God’s glory and purpose.

Touching lives with grace is more than just meeting needs.  According to 2 Corinthians 9:12, it brings them into the circle of glory and grace.  Being gracious (allowing God to show up through us) inspires them to glorify God.  Glory and grace are multiplied as we intentionally fill one another’s lives with the polka dotted grace of God.

Making It Personal

Have you been the recipient of that kind of amazing grace where someone reached out sacrificially to meet a need in your life?

Done in the Name and love of Christ, how did it prompt in you greater glory of God?

How did his/her being gracious encourage you to reach out with the grace entrusted to you?

Has the Lord moved in your heart to meet a need in someone’s life?   Have you responded? If not, what is holding you back?

How does seeing all that you have received from the Lord as more than solely a gift given to you by a gracious God, but as an entrustment, change your attitude and actions regarding grace?

What does it mean to you to truly be a good steward of God’s entrusted grace?