Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Passionate Love of God

In many cultures a betrothal is simply a romantic referral to the promise to marry.  We associate it with engagement, but in Biblical times it meant so much more.  It was a vow declaring, “I am yours, you are mine. We are bound together by love and commitment for as long as we both shall live.”  So when Jesus extends this promise to you it is truly forever.  If you agree to His proposal of an eternal relationship, you become His bride and He becomes your beloved husband. (See Isaiah 54:5)
In Hebrew, there is an intimate term for a husband that passionately loves his bride and goes far beyond the expectations of a husband to provide and protect his wife. That term is Ishi.

“It will come about in that day,” declares the LORD, “That you will call Me Ishi and will no longer call Me Baali.”  Hosea 2:16

The more common term for husband is ba’al, which is also associated with the title Baali, which means “master.”  As God, the Lord could rightly insist on that kind of relationship with you, even as His bride.  However, He wants to take on the role and relationship of intimacy represented in being your Ishi.   In Him, you have the perfect husband.

A perfect husband knows you completely.  Who you are is an interweaving of your past and present experiences, education, and influences.  Your Ishi knew you before you were born. (Psalm 139:13-16) He knows your personality and temperament, how you think and just how you feel, where you’ve been and where you are going. (Psalm 139:1-4)  What He knows about you intensifies His love for you.  (Zephaniah 3:17) If you rest in the reality of His intimate knowledge of you, you just might hear Him singing His special love song written just for you.

No one cares more about your success and wellbeing then your Ishi.  He is your #1 cheerleader.  He wants to pour His strength into you and encourage you in all you do. (Philippians 4:13; Romans 15:5)  He has all the qualifications to give just the right counsel and guidance. (Isaiah 28:29; Romans 11:33). You can trust His leading completely.

He is there to protect, strengthen and support (2 Thessalonians 3:3; 2 Samuel 22:18-20), hold your hand and guide you through life’s challenges (Psalm 139:9,10; 48:14), supply your every need (Philippians4:19) and help you do all you need to do (2 Corinthians 9:8).  He is your constant companion (Deuteronomy31:8). Actually, when this verse in Deuteronomy is quoted in Hebrews 13:5, the verb tenses used states “absolutely never would I even want to let you go or send you away, absolutely never would I even want to leave you behind in any place or state.” Your Ishi, Jesus, is seriously committed to you.

You can truly cast all your cares upon Him. (1Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22)  You can bring to Him all your questions, fears and concerns.  There is nothing too big or too small for Him. If it matters to you, it matters to Him. He cares about YOU! His love for you is absolutely unconditional, but even more, He is passionately IN love with you.

Christ alone is the perfect Ishi. Whether you are young or old, single (never married, widowed or divorced) or have an incredible man of God as your husband or a husband who falls short of what should or could be, take comfort in this truth:  He is everything you need!  If you are a man, you know how much you too need a loving Ishi.  You are covered by His love, provision and protection. His passionate love for you will enable you to be and do everything you desire to be.

Making It Personal

Go back and reread Jesus’ betrothal promise to you. (Hosea 2:19,20)  What does each aspect of this vow mean to you personally?

As His bride, can you wholeheartedly make a very similar vow to Jesus, your Ishi?

If you are single, what does it mean to you that Jesus is passionately in love with you and wants to be your Ishi?

If you are married, how does allowing Jesus to be your Ishi bring a new dynamic and freedom to your marriage?

There is an intentional element to falling in love with someone.  What can you do to intentionally fall more in love with Jesus?