Monday, April 29, 2013

Putting Up With Frogs

Read:  Exodus 8:1-15

The intent of the plague of frogs was to bring the Egyptians and God’s people into willing submission and obedience.  In intolerable abundance, God drew out what already existed in their world into their personal lives.  Frogs came “into their houses and into their bedroom and on their beds and into their ovens and into their kneading bowls.”

Stinky, slimy, noisy, messy, disgusting frogs everywhere!  Pharaoh’s magicians – men of knowledge, science and mystery – compounded the misery by drawing in even more.  But that was only the beginning of the craziness.  When the frogs became truly unbearable, Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron. “Entreat the Lord that He remove the frogs from me and my people and I will let them go.”  Moses’ response was, “The honor is yours to tell me when.”  Pharaoh knew Moses expected him to say “Now,” so out of pure stubbornness chose “Tomorrow!”  Because of his pride, he was willing to put up with frogs; he made everyone put up with frogs! Everyone, including himself and his family continued to suffer one more day.

As ridiculous as it sounds, we still put up with frogs in our lives. Frogs are still hopping all over the place.  “Frogs” drawn out by our choices and willfulness. Frogs of unforgiveness, frogs of anger, frogs of self-righteousness, frogs of injustice, frogs of entitlement, frogs of self-pity, frogs of unrealistic expectations, frogs of selfishness, frogs of self-indulgence, frogs of distractions … all seem to be reproducing and infesting lives, homes and relationships.  They are in our houses and in our bedrooms and on our beds and in our bowls. Everywhere! And the extra large frogs of pride and stubbornness win out over doing what we know must be done. And we put up with the frogs one more day, because we are too proud to submit and surrender.

We need the Lord to take us frog hunting.  We need Him to show us where these slimy critters have snuck-in through the cracks formed by the lame excuse of “tomorrow.”  Like Pharaoh, we are given the choice of when.  Unlike him, we need to decide that we are NOT putting up with frogs! Not one more day; not one more minute.  Pride lets them in. We cannot let pride allow them to stay.  Only the Lord can make all these frogs die. We need to humbly cry out, “NOW!”

We have all suffered the consequences of “frogs” infesting our lives. 1 Peter 4:1-3 says that Jesus suffered for us on the cross to get rid of them. Once we truly recognize the misery those “frogs” cost us and Jesus, we need to be done with “frogs” or as Peter put it “done with sin!”  We have wasted enough of our lives putting up with “frogs.” Jesus says He is willing to go “frog stompin’” and “cast all [our] sins into the depths of the sea.” (Micah 7:19)   “The honor is yours to tell [Him] when.” 

Making It Personal

Are you done putting up with frogs?

What kind of frogs have you been tolerating even though they make your life miserable?

What is the promise of 1 John 1:9?

What does God do with those dead “frogs” according to:

Being “done with sin” does NOT mean that “frog” is out of here and you will no longer have to deal with that temptation, tendency or weakness again. “Frogs” thrive in this world.  You have to resolve that through partnership with and dependency on the Lord, you are not putting up with frogs any more.

“Frogs” are inevitable, but they are also optional. (1 John 2:1,2) What is your recourse when you realize a “frog” has slipped in the crack?

If you are really serious about not putting up with “frogs” any longer, stop and have an honest conversation with your Lord.  If not, be honest with yourself about what is holding you back.