Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why Me?

Facing an unexpected calling, challenge or opportunity, it is easy to wonder if God has the wrong person. “Who me?” “Why me?” “Are you sure You mean me?”  Surely, for the first time in all of creation, God has made a mistake!  Put like that, we realize that the problem is at our end. We question Him because we either don’t know Him or ourselves as well as we think.

God really does know us better than we know ourselves. When we need a reminder, it is time to sit down with our Bibles and reread Psalm 139.  He knows where we are; what we are doing; what we are going to think (not just what we are thinking) and the words that will come out of our mouths because of those thoughts.  He has known all this before we were even born. His knowledge encompasses every single second of our existence.  On the other hand, we don’t know what will happen ten minutes from now, and often have trouble remembering what happened yesterday. 

God has always known that you would face this particular challenge at this specific time.  He also knows just what you will need.  His calling, allowed challenges and God-orchestrated opportunities all come with equipping. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

For Moses, He knew He was going to need someone to walk with him through all of this. God already had his brother Aaron on his way. (Exodus 4:14)  However, preparation for this moment began long before Aaron set out on his journey to find his brother.  It began 80 years earlier when Moses was spared death by the faith actions of his mom and raised as a prince of Egypt. (Exodus 1:22-2:10)  There he received the best education available. He knew the ins and outs of Egyptian culture. He also learned how to be a leader.  This was followed by forty years in the desert, where he was emptied of any sense of entitlement. As a shepherd, he learned how to be gentle and humble, putting first the need of the dependent and defenseless. He also learned how to live off the land. As he led to people from slavery to the Promised Land, he would draw on all of these.  In addition, God divinely empowered the ordinary that was right there in his hand. (Exodus 4:2-9)

God knows just what you need.  If you don’t see it, you are invited to come to the Throne of Grace with confidence “so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)  Don’t be surprised if what you need is a redemption of your past, a timely reminder of the very things the Lord has already taught you (John 14:26), and the coming alongside of a brother or sister in Christ.  Be sure to watch as He enables and empowers the ordinary for His purpose of glory and grace.

Why you? Because you are the only one He has equipped in these specific ways for this specific challenge.  He knows you.  He knows what He is doing. Partnering together you can expect the amazing.

Making This Personal

Moses felt utterly inadequate.  How does God’s answer in Exodus 3:11,12 and 2Corinthians 3:4-6 assure you that that is not a problem?

How does God being “I AM WHO I AM” provide you with the assurance and authority to press on with trust and obedience despite the unpredictable, unanswered questions, and all the unknowns?

What aspects of your past and present are redeemable according to Romans 8:28?  How does that apply to your current challenge?

What does it mean to you to acknowledge that God has not made a mistake in His calling, allowed challenge and God-orchestrated opportunity you are facing right now?