Sunday, March 17, 2013


There is an innate desire in every human being to be known, understood and accepted.  Yet, there is no other human being that can absolutely meet that need.  1 Corinthians 2:11 states that unless a person knows our spirit, they cannot possibly know us completely.  Only God has that kind of knowledge and understanding. He has already done a thorough search through our lives - past, present and future. He knows  and loves us completely.

The word translated “searched” is the Hebrew word chaqar. It is both a shepherding and mining term. It means “to penetrate and examine intimately.”  In order for the sheep to be healthy, content and produce quality wool, the shepherd had to dig deeply to see what was hidden by the wool, as well as thoroughly check out both ends of the animal.  In mining, chaqar means to go beyond the obvious and drill deeply in order to discover what lies within.  In either case, such searching results in a first hand, detailed knowledge.  That is how thoroughly God knows us.  Luke 12:7 says that He even knows the number of hairs on our heads.

Psalms 139:1-4 tells us that God knows …
1. “… when I sit down and when I rise.”   He knows when I yashab – am still, sitting quietly, as well as when I am stalling or “frozen” by a situation.  He also knows when I am completely the opposite – quwn: stirred up, moving around, physically busy, as well as emotionally and/or mentally agitated, anything but resting quietly.  Either of these can be by choice, circumstances or according to Isaiah 37:28 in defiance.
2. “…understands my thoughts from afar.”  One of the meanings of the word rea, translated “thoughts,” is “to graze.” God understands my mental grazing.  He knows when my mind is wandering and where it is going.  He is willing to meet me there and lead me into greater intimacy, even if I’ve wandered into a "pasture" that I have no business being in.
3. “ … my path and my lying down.”   The word translated “discern”NIV and “scrutinize”NAS is zorrah, which refers to the process of critical analysis, but it is also means “winnowing.” Winnowing is the process of separating grain from chaff in order to keep the good stuff.  There is an uncomfortable intensity about being scrutinized unless it is cushioned by the wonderful assurance that God is looking for the good stuff to keep. He lovingly looks at all the details of my life: my path (orach – well trodden road) = where I’ve gone, where I’m going, and where I will go, and my lying down (reba – flat out sleep) = going nowhere, doing nothing.  He then gathers up what is valuable, and is willing and able to give it all purpose.
4. “…intimately acquainted with all my ways.”  He knows it all.  He knows me better than I know myself.  He knows before there is anything to know. All He knows deepens His love for me.  This is true for you as well.

God’s complete knowledge and understanding inevitably elicits a strong response from each of us. For some it is intimidating. For others, it is invasive. For still others, it is frightening.  But for David it prompted a sense of wonder and worship.  “Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it.” (Psalm 139:4b-6)  It really is too big to wrap our minds around. The truth is God knows, understands and accepts you completely.  How you respond to that truth is up to you. 

Worship is a wonderful response. David could have simply soaked in the reality of being known, but chose to go forward in his pursuit of intimacy with his God. He invited God to dig deep, penetrate the obvious and examine the hidden, then show him what He knew.  He willingly submitted to the Lord finishing the shepherd and mining processes by running the blood tests, poking, prodding, examining with a microscope, put the ore through the firing process.   Only then can the quality be accessed, the worthless discarded, necessary surgery performed and healing procedures employed.  Working in partnership, the best is then made available for His glory and purpose. 

Making It Personal

What is your response to God’s intimate knowledge of all your ways?

How does the assurance that God knows, understands and accepts you completely meet a deep need for intimacy in your life?

Why do you think God is waiting for you to invite Him show you what He already knows about you?

God wants to take you beyond the familiar.  Why is partnership required?

How does the assurance that God is working to bring healing and ultimate value to your life offset the frightening aspect of this intimate and sometimes invasive process?

Original posting 3/17/13