Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You Are Loved

On this Valentine’s Day, take a moment and allow the Lord to tell you how much He loves you.

My love for you is patient.  I am more than willing to wait for you. I am waiting for you to trust me … for you to know I am always here for you … for you to want for yourself what I want for you.

My love for you is kind. I want to touch your life at the point of your every need, big and small. I have just what you need. It is always exactly what you truly need. Grace waiting to be given, whenever your hands are empty and willing to receive.

My love for you is never motivated by jealousy.  Yes, I am a jealous God who demands that I be your only God. That is because My love and My being your God is what is absolutely best for you. My love is truly given unconditionally.  Jealous love says “What’s in it for me.” My love always says, “What’s in it for you.”

My loving you is all about you. I love you so you can feel good about yourself, know you have value, not so I feel good, look good or come across as some big impressive God. What makes My love amazing is the one I love so much, you!

Demonstrations of My love are never going to be foolish, out of place or unnecessary.  That happens only when the motivation is not pure, and that goes against My very nature. I know the perfect way to express and shower you with My love. If you ever need a reminder of how much I love you, just looked at the cross.

My love is never motivated by what I’ll get out of it. Most of the time, I don’t get anything. I love those who hate me, those who reject me and those who claim to believe in Me, but consistently choose to do life without me.  What a precious gift you give to Me when you open your heart and life to My love, especially when you aren’t necessarily feeling it.

Because I love you completely, I am not easily pushed to the point of punishment.  Out of love it may be necessary to discipline and correct you.  I prefer to disciple and make you more and more like Me. It is up to you. It does take a lot before “punishment” results.  I find no joy in seeing someone suffer, I know how much it hurts body and heart.

I would never make anyone suffer just because I was wronged.  My love for you is too great to ever be vindictive. Because I was wronged, I chose the cross so you could be right.

Just because I love everyone does not mean I am not saddened by unrighteousness in the world I love so much.  I created your world to be a place of fellowship and a loving partnership. When you choose that for us as well, My heart is thrilled.  What a joy to see My truth become a part of your life.

My love bears all things:  all your cares, all your burdens, all your concerns, all your joys.

My love believes all things.  I see wonderful potential and possibility in you.  I believe you can be all that I intended you to be.

My love is full of hope.  It is positive. It is possible. It is the hope that won’t disappoint because it is Me pouring all of Me into your life.

My love endures all things.  NOTHING will change my love for you! It is forever – always and all ways. As long as there is you, it will flow from My heart into you. 

My love for you will never fail.  It will never stop. It will never fall short. It will never let you down. Whatever you go through, I go through with you. Wherever you are, My love is there too.

You are My beloved.  I love YOU!

Making It Personal

Agape love is choosing to care and prioritize the one that is loved.  What does it mean to you that you are the one God chooses to love?

Is there any of these aspects of God’s love for you that you needed to be reminded of at this particular time in your life?

Take time to respond to God’s declaration of love with worship, gratitude and your own declaration of love.