Sunday, January 27, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Self-control)

The last, but definitely not the least, attribute of the Fruit of the Spirit is self-control (egkrateia).  It is willingly submitting to the constraints of glory and grace.  Though it may be possible, even permissible, if it is not glorifying to God or beneficial to Him and others, it needs to be restrained. The filling and flowing of the Holy Spirit makes this possible. Self-control is simply self fully under the control of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, I admit from the get go that self-control is a big issue. It is not that I am determined to do what I want to do or that I enjoy living an out of control life.  I sincerely desire a life defined by willingness, not willfulness. That in itself is evidence that you are “at work in me, both to will and work for your good pleasure.” (Philippians2:13)  The issue is recognizing that I control who or what is in control of me – my words, my actions, my attitudes, my impact and influence in this world.   That is a frightening amount of power.  And the use or abuse of that power impacts more than just me. The more freedom I have, the more powerful that power becomes.

Almighty God, only you can handle absolute power.  That is because you have mastered self-control. You restrain your power and your rights for our benefit. Distributing how much and when based on what is in our best interest. You demonstrate that Godly self-control is the selfless distribution of grace. I am often the recipient of that amazing grace.  That is something I tend to take for granted instead of responding with the depth of gratitude due.

External circumstances can put limits on some of the things that can or can’t be done. On the other hand, anything and everything can be possible, even permissible, but they are not always beneficial or constructive.  Our power is employed when we drive, when we spend money and our time, when we use the various things entrusted to us, when we open our mouths, and especially when we interact with each other. We are very capable of abusing this power for self-serving and exalting purposes.  The right use of all that power depends on submitting our hearts, mind and will to your control. Spirit enabled self-control is self under control – under your control!

Lord, my family desperately needs self-control as we interact with each other and function in this world. Each of us needs to exercise self-restraint, and lovingly encourage it in one another.  Help us to learn how to control our own bodies, desires and will, by consistently and intentionally submitting these to you.  This requires taking every thought captive and running them through the filter of glory and grace. It is as simple as asking, “Does this glorify you and benefit everyone and anyone impacted?”  An abuse and lack of self-control is evident when what I do benefits only me or those I choose.

May we be self-controlled and alert, so that our spiritual enemy has nothing to take advantage of.  Through the filling of your Spirit, you provide the ability to employ self-control as a wall of protection around us. But it requires depending on you.  O Lord, make us clear minded and self-controlled, so we can submit to your will in all areas of our lives, preparing our mind for action and firmly grasping your amazing grace. 

Fill us with your Spirit, Lord Jesus. Do whatever you know needs to be done, so that your Fruit, the Fruit of Glory and Grace, is continually produced and manifested in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. May all of these attributes be manifested in our lives at all times and in all ways for your divine purpose and glory!

Making It Personal

This concludes the focus on the nine attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit of Christ; nine praises and petitions; nine areas of our lives that need the filling and flowing of the Holy Spirit.  If you have not already read each of these prayers, I encourage you to do so.  Each of the following is a link to that specific prayer: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and (this one) self-control.

How did you make each of these prayers personal?

In your current situation, are all nine attributes being manifested?

If any aspect is lacking, which one(s)?

If any is lacking, is the Holy Spirit truly filling and flowing in this situation or area of your life?

How has this focus on each of the attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit, taken you beyond the familiar and impacted your life?  (I would love to hear your response to this question. Please email your comments to  Thank you!)