Monday, January 21, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Peace)

Praying For Fruit: Peace

Part 3 in our series on praying the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) is a prayer for peace.  The Greek word is eirene, which refers to a tranquility of heart and mind, a state of trusting.  Peace is the grace of God permeating to the depth of our being.


Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, your rule and your kingdom is one of peace. I am forever grateful. Your Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. You rule with a peace that transcends understanding.  It is your peace that calms our anxieties, assures us that you are intimately involved in what is happening in our lives, and that you are always there.

This world defines peace as control and power, but you said your peace was different, more. Honestly, I often seek the world’s kind of peace in my home and my world.  I confess to not feeling at peace when things seem to be out of control – out of my control. Your sovereignty assures me that you are in control. That alone should calm my fearful heart, but your peace is not about being fearless. It is trust. You will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is set on you because he/she trusts in you. The mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace.  It is righteousness with quietness and confidence forever.  It is genuine gratitude for who you are and what you are doing in our lives. Because of what you have done and are doing on our behalf I have peace with you and from you through Jesus Christ. Thank you!

Prince of Peace, I want each one I love so dearly to know that unshakable peace.  Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet your unfailing love for us will not be shaken nor your covenant of peace be removed.  I cling to this promise made by my God who has compassion on us. In this world we will have trouble, but you have overcome the world.  You make peace possible in my life and in my home. I need it.  We need it.

Let the peace of Christ rule regardless of what is going on in the world around us. We were called to peace. It is how the rest of world recognizes that something is different about us. When our hearts and home is in turmoil, your peace is obviously not ruling. You are not a God of confusion, disorder or discord. Please make our hearts and home a palace of peace for your glory and purpose. Help us to make every effort to live in peace with each other, as well as with everyone impacted by us. We definitely need you willing and working so we can be holy like you.  Without holiness no one will see you.  They will just see us and that is not always a pretty sight. 

Lord of peace, continually make us instruments of peace bringing your Spirit of serenity to wherever we go and whatever situation we find ourselves.  Serenity is about being calm, content and confident in you.  That tranquility of heart and mind comes only from you, surpasses comprehension and guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Thank you, Prince of Peace, for using us to bring that peace to our world.

Lord Jesus, this peace I seek comes from you alone. I ask all this in the name of the Prince of Peace. Add your “amen” to these requests that foremost seek your glory and purpose. Thank you.