Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Patience)

The Fruit of the Spirit is a result of the Holy Spirit filling our lives. When we allow Him access to heart, mind and soul, He reproduces in us the attributes of Christ, which includes patience. Patience (makothumia) is the application of grace. It is self-restraint before acting or speaking.  Also translated forbearance, endurance, and steadfastness, even long-suffering, there is an inner strength that enables us to lovingly wait for the right time, words and response.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your amazing patience. 2 Peter 3:15 tells me that I need to “regard the patience of our Lord as salvation.” Patiently you led me to the cross and eternal salvation. I constantly need a Savior. With great patience you lead me away from temptation. You lead me to the shelter of your love and grace. Continually you lead me to salvation of heart, mind and body that provides safety and deliverance from danger or destruction often of my own making.

I know I try your patience. Isaiah says, “Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also? (Isaiah 7:13) And I am afraid nothing tries your patience more than my being impatient with others, especially with my family.  I receive with deepest gratitude your compassion and forbearance, but then mumble, tap my foot or burst out in frustration when I should simply be patient. My impatience is pure selfishness. They have not met my expectations. I am being inconvenienced. Impatience is clear evidence that I am NOT regarding them as more important than myself (Philippians 2:3).  Impatience is about me.  Patience is about them.

Holy Spirit, how very very grateful I am that you are willing to empower patience.  It is a choice.  It is the application of grace.  The manifestation of patience seldom comes from an emotional feeling of “being patient” where it truly isn’t hard to wait.  That would be more in line with apathy. It isn’t hard to wait, because I really don’t care.  Real patience is rooted in genuine humility. Philippians 2:3 says it is only with “humility of mind” that I am able to regard others as more important than myself.  Genuine humility is the Christ-like mindset that it is not about me.

Love is patient. It wants their best over my convenience. It patiently endures, giving up rights, timing and power for their sake without giving up faith or faithfulness. Lord, clothe me and my family with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Help us to bear with each other and forgive whatever annoyances we may have against one another. Enable us to freely forgive, just as you have so freely forgiven us. My family needs me to be patient and to act patiently. Help my husband and children to be patient with me as well. 

We live in a fast pace, self-centered world. It is impatient. Others are impatient with us. Yet to a person, each one we interact with needs us to be patient with them.  We need your empowering to make that possible.  The key is glory and grace. Glory is making our lives about you. Grace is about making it about them.  May this family demonstrate a life worthy of you and strive to please you in every way. Strengthen us with your powers so that we can have great endurance in these trying circumstances and patient with those around us whether they deserve it or not.  Patience is the liberal application of grace. May we be gracious people for your glory and purpose. 

Again, thank you for your immeasurable patience.