Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Kindness)

Kindness is the 5th attribute listed in Galatians 5:22,23 and the 5th in this series on praying the Fruit of the Spirit.  This “fruit” contains all the attributes manifested when the Spirit does His maturing work in our lives.  Kindness according to the dictionary is being friendly, generous and considerate.  The New Testament word chrestos refers to it as grace that invades the whole of our nature resulting in a tender concern that touches the lives of others at their point of need. In the Old Testament, chesed is most often translated “loving-kindness” as it is love gently expressed first in attitude, then in word and deeds.


Precious Lord Jesus, being kind is not just what you do, it is who you are. The kindness you abundantly pour into our lives is an outflow of your lovingkindness and mercy. There is no God like you in heaven above or on earth beneath as you continually show us the extent of your kindness, even though we do not, nor ever could, deserve it.  Thank you for the immeasurable kindness that you have personally shown to my family and me. 

Being kind is so underrated in our society. Obviously, I want my family to be kind.  But there is more to it. What is desirable in a person is kindness, because when we are kind, we are being like you. Holy Spirit, help us to constantly pursue being like Jesus. May your kind of kindness characterize each of us as well as the character of this family as a whole - an identity that declares we belong to you.  May the reality of your kindness pervade our hearts, minds and souls.

Please enable us to be kind to each other, tenderhearted, and forgiving.  I recognize it is a choice, just like our deciding what we put on our bodies every morning. May we daily choose to put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other, just as you so graciously forgive each of us. 

You don’t ask much of us, but to be fair, to love kindness and to walk humbly with you.  May we do these out of genuine love and gratitude for who you are and all the kindness you have poured into our lives. Lord, you are truly compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.  All your paths are lovingkindness and truth. May we never leave these as we go through the day ahead. Wrap the reality of your kindness around each of us like a protective scarf – a shelter from the windstorms of life, a covering of shade in the heat of circumstances. Write them on the tablet of our hearts, so what flows from our mouth, is done by our hands and what is seen on our faces is genuine kindness.

Holy Spirit, it is an incredible act of kindness for you to convict us regarding attitudes and actions that are not kind. Please be ruthless in bring even the thought of being unkind to our attention.  It is your kindness that leads us to repentance and back to a right relationship with you. With a tender hand you draw us into your loving arms. Just when we need it most your loving kindness is there in unique and wonderful ways. You make relationship possible.

O Lord, again for all you are and all you do, thank you for the surpassing riches of your grace evident in your kindness.

[Remember Making It Personal is up to you.  Take time to intercede for those in need of the kindness of God or simply a keen awareness of how He is consistently pouring kindness into his/her life.   You may also want to ask the Holy Spirit for creative ideas on how you can be an instrument of the kindness they need.]