Sunday, January 20, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Joy)

This devotion is part 2 in praying the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) for those we love, as well as those we find it hard to love.  The focus of this prayer is joy – chara = a sense of well-being independent of circumstances. Chara is very closely related to charis, a word translated “grace.” Joy is the awareness of the presence and power of grace.


Heavenly Father, we want our family to be happy, but recognize that there is not always a consensus of what that means or requires. Happiness is not always in their best interest. It is fickle, emotional and circumstantial.  What they need and what I desire for each one of these so precious to me is joy – real from you joy.  “In Your presence is fullness of joy.” “Splendor and majesty are before you; strength and joy are in your dwelling place.”  It is your presence in their life that makes possible that calming assurance that all is truly well.

Joy is a sense of well-being regardless of the circumstances. It is knowing that you are God, as close as the very air we breathe and intimately involved in the details of our lives. You are there with them and in them. They are “hidden in the secret place of your presence.”  Please remind them, right where they are, at this very moment that you are there. 

May they know that you take great delight in them – you actually exult over them with joy.  If they are anxious or stressed, lonely or frightened, sad or discouraged, quiet them with your love. Silence any racing and condemning thoughts, and open their ears to hear you rejoicing over them with shouts of joy. May they hear you say, “You are my precious child. I have amazing plans for your life. These challenges and opportunities are well-granted because through them flows the assurance of My intimate involvement in your life.” 

O Lord, you are my joy and delight. You fill my heart with exceeding joy as I am reminded that you take joy in us frail and needy children.  You are also my God of hope.  Though I have not seen you with my eyes, I love you; and even though I do not see exactly how you are working right now, I believe in you and am filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.  I want that for my family.  Fill them with all joy and peace as we learn together to trust you completely.

May we individually and as a family overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  This world needs joy.  Lord, may we be conduits of your joy as we live out the reality of your presence and power in our lives. That is the secret of unmistakable joy.  Let it fill and flow through us for your joy and glory.