Saturday, January 19, 2013

Praying for Fruit (Introduction and Love)

It is so incredibly easy to get stuck in ruts when it comes to praying for others, especially our families.  The same people with reoccurring needs keep filling up our prayer lists. Those we need to intercede for deeply become rote one liners in our prayers. Our prayer requests on their behalf, as well as our own, need focus, depth and direction.  These prayers need to address their greatest need at this time and in this situation: the Lord’s presence, power and personal involvement.  Whatever the situation, they need the filling and flowing of the Holy Spirit, which manifests in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22,23) Praying for fruit is a powerful way to pray for those we love or find difficult to love.

This devotional, and the eight to follow, is very different in format and style than those previously posted.  The primary focus is on actually praying the different attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit for our families or anyone else who burden our hearts. The attribute will be simply defined, then followed by a list of recommended Scriptures pertaining to that attribute.  Those Scriptures should greatly influence how that specific attribute is prayed.  1 John 5:14,15 tells us that if we pray in keeping with God’s will, we know He hears and will answer our prayers.  Praying in line with His word gives us that wonderful confidence.  A prayer concludes each posting.

Making it personal is up to you.  You may choose to allow those words to become your petition, adding your “amen,” which actually means “so be it” or “I am in agreement,” or use these prayers as a sample on praying each attribute. 

To take this even deeper, you may want to apply each attribute all the different aspects of prayer.  For example, using the wonderful prayer acronym of A.C.T.I.O.N:

A = adoration – Praising the Lord for His demonstration of this attribute.
C = confession – Honestly confront the lack of this attribute in your actions, attitude and dependency on God.  Each of these attributes are manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our lives and absence of this attribute is a clear indication that He is not filling and flowing in that situation or area of our lives.
T = thanksgiving – Gratitude results from a recognition of grace. Express your gratitude for how He has manifested this attribute. If lacking, be grateful how it is available through partnering with Him.
I = intercession – Requesting the manifestation in and for the benefit of others.
O = obedience – Personal petition, declaring your dependence on Him and your willingness to have Him work in and through your life so this attribute is consistently manifested.
N = need – Specific situation where this attribute is needed.

Praying for Fruit: Love

Love: agape = choosing to care and prioritize what is best for them. What is best is what grace is all about – the manifestation of the character of Christ for our benefit.  To love is to be gracious.  Love for God opens our heart to be filled with grace.  Love for others opens our heart to flow with grace.


Heavenly Father, You are Love. The love you have for us never ceases. Your loving kindness is new every morning. When we screw up big time your love remains constant and consistent. Even we cannot separate us from your love. We can turn our back on it, but even in our willfulness and ignorance you love us even more.  

 O Lord, my God, may we respond to your amazing love with love. May my family open their hearts and minds to your love today as you draw each of us to yourself. Help us to respond to your love by loving you with all our heart (affection), all our soul (adoration), all our mind (attention) and with all our strength (actions).  May we be so open to your love that it fills every part of who we are and overflows foremost in love for you, but also for other, beginning with those in this home. Sometimes it is easier to love the family next door than it is to love the family in the next room. Saying we know too much is a lousy excuse, because you know us better than we know ourselves and that knowledge only increases your love for us. May what we know multiply our love for each other instead of diminish it with frustration and anger. Love is a choice.  Holy Spirit, help us to make that often very hard choice.  

Father, overwhelm each of us with love. May each one know that you unconditionally love him/her. Help me to love each of them unconditionally as well.  Lord, help him/her to love him/herself.  So many misbehaviors are smokescreens for our simply not liking who we are.  Love covers a multitude of sins. I need to remember that as you help me deal graciously with my family. They also need to remember that as they look at their own lives. Use my words, my demeanor, my touch, my love to point out and emphasize their worth and lovability. Love them through me.  

Fill me with your Spirit whose fruit is foremost love. Please give me insight and wisdom to love them as you love them. Today, may each of us live a life defined by love.  With your help and for your glory, I commit to do everything I do today out of and with love. Thank you for this amazing privilege. Thank you again for loving me and loving through me.