Saturday, January 26, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Gentleness)

When the Holy Spirit fills and flows through our lives, the attributes of Christ are manifested. That is the very definition of grace: the manifestation of the character of Christ for the benefit of others.  The flow of grace is what gentleness is all about.  It is a controlled outflow of grace directed at their need: giving, doing, and being what is best and most beneficial for them. 

The Hebrew word ‘anawa and the Greek word prautes are also translated “humility” in the Old and New Testament.  Both of these words refer to the prioritizing of others.  There is an acknowledged inner strength or ability, however the flow is determined solely by what is best for them.  Gentleness/humility is the opposite of being consumed with self-interest. (Philippians 2:3-5Gentleness is “ not about me.”


O Lord, we have such a narrow view of what gentleness truly entails. We think soft, meek and mild. There are definitely situations where we appreciate being the recipient of gentleness. It is one of the first things we try to teach our children as they interact with each other and weaker animals or fragile toys. But in our culture, we have a tendency to also think weak and wimpy. Gentleness is not something that gets a lot of press, as power and rights are prioritized.  But you are anything but weak and wimpy. You are all-powerful, yet you clearly state that you are “gentle and humble of heart.” There is a hiding, a withholding of your power for our sake. (Habakkuk 3:4) You know what we need, in what dosage.  You prioritize us and our needs.

Psalm 18:35 tells us that it is your “gentleness” that makes us “great.” It makes us what we need to be and what you want us to be.  It makes us like you! At the heart of gentleness is genuine selflessness. Gentleness puts the needs and the growth of others before any personal benefit. Gentleness never imposes its rights or power on another. It comes from a strong core of faith, compassion, integrity, of knowing and wanting to be like you. Lord, create in me a gentle and quiet spirit that is precious in your sight.

As a family, let your gentleness be evident in each one of us. Gentleness, like all the elements of this Fruit of Grace, requires your filling to be manifested.  You provide “a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience,” but we have to put it on.  We have to make the choice that others are worth the cost and effort. Help us to do that day-by-day as we interact with each other and with those you bring into our lives. Help us to speak and respond in a spirit of gentleness. Please give to us godly wisdom that is gentle – thoroughly appropriate, balanced in response, insightful for what is truly best for the other, and willing to withhold what we could do or want to do, so others are honored and if necessary find mercy.

Lord, I cannot thank you enough for the gentleness with which you constantly treat my family and me.  Manifest your gentleness in us, so others see you and come to know your gentleness in their own lives.