Friday, January 25, 2013

Praying For Fruit (Faithfulness)

The dictionary defines faithfulness as “the quality of being loyal, constant, steadfast,” but there is more to it than that. Faithfulness refers to having a rock solid foundation that provides strength, stability and reliability.  Faithfulness (pistos) is a life so firmly anchored, that we in turn are “anchor-able.”  There is a proven trustworthiness and defining truthfulness in both word and actions.  One who is faithful can be depended upon, believed at all time and confidently leaned on whenever needed. 


O Lord, you have proven again and again and again that you are a faithful God. A faithful God, who does no wrong, you are always upright and just. O Lord God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you. Your constant truthfulness and faithfulness make you completely trustworthy in all you say and in all you do. In perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things.  

I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown to my family and me. In Your faithfulness and righteousness you have answered my prayers and come to our relief countless times. Like a protective parent, you have taken us under the wing of your faithfulness. Your lovingkindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness beyond the skies. It is truly immeasurable.  I want each one in my family to know how great is your faithfulness.

May it flow from my mouth in praise and from my life as my faith in you is lived out in convictions, attitudes and actions.   Please help me to lead by example by truly being faithful in all things.  I know that has not always been the case. When I have been faithless, you have remained faithful because you cannot deny who you are.  Your word tells me that you will not take your love from me nor will you ever betray your faithfulness.  I do not take that for granted, but respond with heartfelt gratitude. I recommit to choosing the faithful way and walk in the light of your word, the testimony and example of your faithfulness.

Faithful One, may we, individually and as a family, be living examples of your love and faithfulness.  May we pursue righteousness, faithfulness, love and peace out of pure hearts.  O Lord, may faith in you, not religious fervor, but living, dynamic partnering with you be evident in our words, our choices and our interactions, especially with each other. Help us to be truthful and trustworthy.  Most of all, Lord, may you find us faithful in all that you entrust to us. 

To you alone goes the praise; to your name be the glory, because of your incredible faithfulness.