Friday, November 16, 2012

Upright Living in an Upside Down World

When God created this world for us to live and work in partnership with Him, everything was wonderfully upright.  As Adam and Eve daily experienced the Lord’s presence with them in the “cool of the day” (literally the Spirit or breeze of the day), they saw everything as God intended. Glory prevailed. Love was pure. Truth was undiluted.  Life was totally in balance.   

Unfortunately sin turned everything upside down.  Suddenly, they did not know which way was up any more. Everything looked and felt different. They saw nakedness and vulnerability. The assuring presence of God felt intimidating. Their whole world seemed topsy-turvy.

Physically, if someone were to put on a pair of glasses that turned everything upside down, within three days his/her brain adapts its perspective and flips everything back around.  What is actually upside down seems perfectly upright and vice versa.  Spiritually, the same thing happened.  It didn’t take long and upside down thinking became the norm, impacting what was deemed logical and felt “right.”  What seemed upside down were the things of God.  It just doesn’t make sense to die to self and have that really living; to give being the greatest way to receive; to love your enemies and pray for those who intentionally make your life miserable; to see dying as an upgrade …  All these seem so upside down.  However, the truth is, these are right side up.  It is the world we live in that is upside down.

Through faith Jesus makes possible living here and now in His upright kingdom. His kingdom has come, but for now coexists within the kingdoms of this world.  It is a right side up kingdom in an upside down world. Someday, Jesus will come again and turn everything back to its original uprightness. Until then, we navigate in both realities. 

Jesus came to show us how to live upright in an upside down world.  He knew we needed more than a new pair of “glasses” or way to look at things, we needed an entire change of heart and mind.  Through faith in Jesus Christ these are given to us.  1Corinthians 2:16 tells us, “We have the mind of Christ.”  We are given the ability to see things from an upright, godly perspective.  However, we have to readjust our orientation. That requires that we “set our minds on things above, not on things of the earth.”  (Colossians 3:2)   This necessitates a constant refocusing: thinking about what we are thinking about and continually making fine adjustments to align with Christ.  Romans 12:2 calls it “renewing your mind.”  (Also see Ephesians 4:22-24.)

By the grace of God, He has given us His indwelling Spirit to help us  - the Spirit of Truth (John 14:16-17; 16:13-15).  As He guides us in all truth, we need to apply it to every situation.  Like the air bubble in a level, the truth of who God is, His character, His expressed will, and His way of living in an upside down world, quickly tells us which way is truly up.  When we adjust accordingly, everything changes, especially us. The balance we were originally created to experience in partnership with the Lord is restored.  God’s glory once again prevails.

Making It Personal

Can you identify “natural” tendencies, reactions, old habits and ongoing struggles that are simply conforming to upside down world thinking?

What upside down thinking are you warned against in Proverbs 3:5?

How does recognizing that these are upside down help motivate you to seek transformation/reorientation?  (Reread Romans 12:2)

How does (or can) applying Scripture and living dependently on the Holy Spirit help reorient your perspective and resulting choices?

What does Romans 8:5-9 tell you about the consequences of where you continually choose to set your mind?

Living upright in an upside down world will make a difference. It will also make you different.  It will attract some, confuse many, and offend others.  (2 Corinthians 2:14-16

How does this underscore the need for partnering with the Holy Spirit and knowing the word of God?  (2 Corinthians 3:5-6 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17)