Sunday, July 08, 2012

Godly Do List

I am a big fan of do lists.  They help me remember what needs to be done and prioritize what is done. It also makes sure all the little things that add up into being important things don’t get pushed to the side.  In Psalm 37, we have a godly do list that applies to every day and every situation. This list provides a specific answer to the questions “What do I do now?”
1. Trust God.  The Hebrew word (batach) means, “to be confident or secure.”  The dictionary defines trust as “a firm belief in the reliability.” It is impossible to trust someone or something that we do not believe to be trustworthy. God is trustworthy. The absoluteness and consistency of God being God guarantees it. (Hebrews 13:8) He will always be who He is and act accordingly.  When we choose to trust Him and bring Him into the situation, it will impact what we do and how we do it.

2. Do good.  How simple is that? We may not know specifically the next move. We can trust God to lead us in the way we should go (Psalm 32:8). However, we do know what is good.  The Hebrew word is tov: what is right, well-pleasing, and beneficial to others. Philippians 4:8 says focus on them and do that. Regardless what gets accomplished, what we do will be good.

3. Dwell in the land. Be present! It is so easy to live in the land of “wish I was.” Wish I wasn’t here in this place or situation. Wish I was there, wherever that might be.  You are where you are. Invest in it.  Seize the unique opportunity of here and now. It is all we truly ever possess.

4. Cultivate faithfulness.  Several translations focus on the benefits of being where you are (i.e. “enjoy safe pasture” or “feed securely”), but it is more about doing than receiving. The Hebrew word is ra’ah, which actually refers to doing the work of a shepherd.  The constant focus is to provide and protect, at whatever personal cost, faithfulness: trust and truth; devotion and dependence on God. #4 of our do list must be: prioritize faith.

5. Delight in the Lord. Not only should we draw incredible pleasure in our intimate partnership with God (Psalm 16:11), but want to be a delight to Him. The “what” really doesn’t matter when all we want to do is to please the Father.  Jesus said that was what He always did. (John 8:29) When that is our priority, it radically changes what we want. He “gives you the desires of your heart.”

6. Commit your ways.  At the heart of a fully functioning partnership is being fully committed, being all in.  Colossians 3:17,23 refer to whatever you do: do it for the Lord; do it with Lord. Because He is fully invested in this partnership, we can count on His being actively involved. We need to make sure we are as well.

7. Rest in the Lord.  The Hebrew word is damam.  It does not mean to put up your feet and do nothing.  Actually, this word applies most when life is ridiculously chaotic.  It means to quiet one’s mind, heart and spirit.  When we rein in our racing thoughts, refocus them on His grace and glory, and breathe in deeply His Spirit, quieting our body and mouth quickly follow, even if there is no time to stop moving.

8. Wait patiently for Him.  The Hebrew word is chiyl.  It actually means like it sounds. Chill out! Don’t go rushing off in a hurry to do or be something. We need to make sure we are joining the Lord and following His lead. (Matthew 11:28-30)  Calm down. Allow Him to determine the direction and set the pace.  Getting all worked up accomplishes nothing and frequently undoes what is accomplished.

That is quite a do list. No matter what needs to be done today, it is pertinent.  Now all we have to do is to it.  Let’s get busy!

Making it Personal

Proverbs 14:26 says, “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence.”  Fear here does not mean to be afraid of, but to respect to such a level that who He is impacts what or how you respond. How does knowing God will be who He is today impact what and how you do what you do?

What promise are you given in 2 Corinthians 9:8 to help you accomplish “do good” on the do list?

We love the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 with the assurance that God has a plan. The context is that they are in exile. God knows what He is doing and He will go forward.  What were they to do now according to verses 4-7? How does that apply to your here and now?

“Cultivate” used in the NASB translation is a farming word. Paul used the same analogy in 1 Corinthians 3:6. How can you plant, water, weed or fertilize faith in others today?

Delighting is all about attitude.  How can you choose to use everything you do today as an opportunity to delight in the Lord (i.e. delight in Him while making the bed or mowing the lawn, etc.)?  How does your attitude, even more than actions, determine whether or not it delights God?

Partnership is about everything you do being with, for or through your partner.  How does partnering with God impact what you and God do today?

Of all the do’s on this do list, damam (quieting our heart, mind and spirit) is often the hardest. When do you find it most challenging? When is it the most crucial?  How do you damam?

Do you have physical or mental do list you hope to accomplish today?  How can you apply this godly do list to that list? Which one must be prioritized?