Sunday, May 20, 2012

Standing on the Promises

[Scriptures reading for this devotion are noted in text.]

God’s word is full of wonderful promises.  One of my favorites is Romans 8:28 that promises that God is sovereignly working in every situation in accordance with His absolute goodness. This promise, as with all those found in God’s word, should powerfully impact our perspective and response to whatever we are going through. Standing on the promises of God is an act of faith in a trustworthy God as we take those incredible promises and apply them to our lives and situation.

Hebrews 10:23 tells us to “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” He is faithfully at work beyond the obvious. He is always working! (John 5:17)  If He says He is going to do something, He will do it. (Numbers 23:19) He cannot lie. (Titus 1:2)  Actually, it is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:17,18 God will always do His part, but there has to be a faith connection on our part to God in regards to all the promises He has given to us.  

Abraham is a great example of this truth. Despite what he saw in a mirror, he chose to hold on to the promise God had made him. Read Romans 4:19-22

In response to Abraham’s standing on the promise, God made him an even greater promise - a promise He extends to all who take a faith stand on the promise(s) of God. God promises to graciously consider us righteous – or, in other words, make us right with Him, simply on the basis of our wholeheartedly putting our faith in Him. If we believe He is who He says He is, has done what He/His words says He has done, and will do what He says He will do, He will set aside our unrighteousness and deem us righteous. 

Righteousness by faith is a promise most often associated with Abraham.  However, it actually predates him.  It was this promise that saved Noah and his families’ lives. See Hebrews 11:7. This promise is repeated in Romans 10:9,10.  Actually, it is a predominant theme in the book of Romans. (Romans 3:21-24; Romans 4:5; Romans 9:30)  What an incredible promise God extends to us: God’s righteousness through faith in Jesus!

This promise should be life defining.  In Philippians 3:8,9, Paul said that when he looked at the righteousness he received from God on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ, it put everything else into perspective. Though it literally cost him everything, what it cost was nothing compared to what he gained.  Paul responded to the amazing grace of such righteousness with gratitude and servitude.  He stood with confidence on the promises of God. 

We too need to stand firm on the incredible grace of God’s promises. See Romans 5:1-2; 1 Corinthians 16:13; and Ephesians 6:13

Making It Personal

Knowing, believing and acting on the promises of God should and can make a dynamic difference in your life.  Are there any specific promises that are especially meaningful to you?

There are many wonderful promises in God’s word. The following are just a few. As you read each of these Scriptures, go beyond identifying what the promise is for and take the time to answer these questions:
(1) What does this really mean to me?
(2) How does this promise impact my perspective on my current situation?
(3) How does, can or should standing on/applying this promise make a difference in my response?

·      John 3:16; 1 John 2:25
·      John 14:16; Acts 2:38
·      John 14:26
·      1 John 1:9; 2:1
·      2 Corinthians 3:4-6
·      1 Corinthians 10:13
·      2 Timothy 3:16-17
·      James 1:5
·      John 10:10
·      Psalm 48:14; Isaiah 42:16

What does it mean to you that Jesus adds His divine “yes” to every promise that God makes? (2 Corinthians 1:20)