Sunday, May 27, 2012

Five Loaves

This is definitely a strange encounter between Jesus and a Canaanite woman as He challenged her with all the social and religious biases.  According to the standards of the day, this woman was unworthy and inadequate.  Jesus was asking her, “What gives you the right to even ask?” Let’s face it; if worthiness and adequacy were the qualifications, we too would fail the test.  2 Corinthians 3:5 tells us that we are not even adequate to consider ourselves adequate.  In an awe-inspiring statement of faith, this mom responded that it wasn’t about her being qualified or worthy, but all about Jesus. The crumbs of God were sufficient to meet her greatest need, her daughter!

Every attribute of Jesus is so absolute that even a sliver of His perfect nature is ample. No matter how great our need all we need is Jesus.  The least of Him is more than enough.

I truly believe this to be true. However, recently while interceding for a little one diagnosed with a brain tumor, I declared by faith that His crumbs are enough, but still asked for the whole loaf.  In my own strange encounter with Christ, the Holy Spirit replied, “Ask for five!” It was such an unexpected prompting that I knew it did not come from my imagination.

In 1 Samuel 21:1-6, David fled the insanity of Saul. He went to the priests in Nob to get godly counsel and provisions. Unfortunately, panic kept him from getting the counsel he needed, but he did ask for bread. “Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.”  The only bread they had on hand was five of the twelve loaves of the Bread of Presence. This was very special bread.  Once a week the priests baked twelve loaves and placed them on a special table inside the inner Tabernacle.  A week later, in what is called the "most holy" privilege of the priesthood, they ate the bread, as fresh as the day it was baked. (Leviticus 24:5-9) Week after week, month after month, year after year, the miracle of freshness continued. It was a constant reminder of the ever-fresh presence and provisions of God.  What a wonderful reminder to David that God was right there and actively involved!  

Asking for five loaves was asking that this struggling family be given an abundance of God’s presence in their chaos and fears.  It was also the provision of the divine and the unique that would meet their need with what belonged to God.

Five loaves of bread were also key “players” in another drama.  See Matthew 14:15-21.  This time it was Jesus asking, “Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.”  These were much smaller loaves, rolls actually.  Five little loaves were like crumbs compared to 5000 men, plus women and children. He took those five loaves and fed a multitude.  

Just think what God can do with the five loaves of His presence we receive from Him just by asking. Given back to Him to be used for His glory and purpose He can faith-feed more than we can possibly imagine.  Meeting this need is just the beginning.  

I am asking for five loaves.  Join me!

Making It Personal

What is the biggest need burdening your heart right now?

Which requires more faith from you: believing the crumbs of God are sufficient to meet this need, or asking for five loaves?  Push your faith and ask for the hardest.

The Lord invites us to be the middleman in this miracle of grace and glory.  How is this expressed in David’s prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:11-14?

What gives you the right to ask God for anything?

What is the promise of Hebrews 4:14-16?  Faithfully and prayerfully apply it to your big need.