Monday, April 30, 2012

Eternally Preserved

Timothy was pastoring the young and growing church in Ephesus. The church was full of new believers with a passion and fervor for sharing Christ. That was great. However, in their zeal for the church, it was so easy to get out of balance, priorities get askew, and important things get brushed aside.  In a very strange statement, Paul pointed out a vital privilege and responsibility that they dare not overlook, especially the women. 1 Timothy 2:15

When we hear the word “saved,” we immediately think “salvation.” That isn’t at all what Paul was referring to.  The Greek word is sozo, which means “found in completeness, preserved, to be whole.” It refers to recognizing something as valuable and treat with honor.  If you collect Beanie Babies, they are sozo. Whether a stuffed animal or Grandma’s china, watch a few episodes of Antique Roadshow and you understand that the value soars when all the right pieces are there in the right condition.  What God wants to sozo is us. He wants to do it in the children that fill our lives, whether our offspring or not. 

In Isaiah 64:8, God is compared to a potter. He sees each child as a work of art – a divine masterpiece. In creating a work of art, whether decorative or functional, the master potter uses his hands to shape and control the clay.  Control is a major factor when working with clay, especially on a spinning wheel.  Without those confining hands, clay goes everywhere!  Without God’s hands around us, our lives too would spin out of control.  

In addition to his hands, a potter also uses a variety of tools. Which tool he used depends on what the potter wants the piece to be, look like and accomplish. God has a myriad of tools at His disposal, but His #1 choice in shaping the lives of children is us.  It is an honor beyond description. 

God sees in us a priceless treasure to be preserved for generations to come.  He wants to preserve our faith, our love for the Lord, our priorities, our passion, and our holiness where God is visible through our lives (Hebrews 12:14).  God desires to take our lives and imprint it on children. When He is consistently at the heart of our lives, He is able to preserve faith, love and holiness completely.  When things are not exactly what they should be, He graciously works in us restoring and renewing so we are worth being sozo-ed.

With this honor of being sozo – saved and preserved in the children in our lives – is also a personal responsibility. We need to be sozo-able. We need to be able to say what Paul said in Philippians 4:9.   It is vital that we live daily what we desire to see reproduced in their lives. If we want to see Jesus in them, they have to see Jesus in us. (1 Corinthians 11:1) According to Deuteronomy 6:6,7, we need to walk the talk; talk the walk!  The eternal imprint we leave on their hearts, minds and soul must be one of grace and glory.

Making It Personal

What kind of imprint are you leaving on the children and impressionable people in your life?

A clogged up tool will not leave a clear imprint.  Make Psalm 139:23,24 your personal petition.
  1. List whatever the Holy Spirit brings to mind that you are doing or are a part of your life that are not pleasing to God.
  2. One by one agree with God that they are wrong.
  3. Ask and accept His forgiveness.
  4. Ask for His Lordship in this area.
  5. List any action He brings to mind to prevent further failure in this area.
What priorities and values would you like preserved in them?

You cannot impress on others what you do not know, believe and understand yourself (Isaiah 43:10).  What are you doing to constantly “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)?

What does it mean to you to live imitate-able?