Sunday, February 26, 2012


Way back in the days of Moses, God gave the people of Israel a very interesting command.  (Numbers 15:37-41)  They were to attach some fringe to the four corners of their garments.  It was not about making a fashion statement, nor was it about being identifiable as “devout” Jews.  This fringe that moved when they moved and continually slapped against their legs was to be a constant reminder that they were in a special relationship with God and needed to live out that partnership with devotion, obedience and holiness. The blue cord running through the tassels represented the divine presence of God. He wanted them to be continually aware that they did not do all of this alone.

Jesus too wore fringe on his garments.  He didn’t need a reminder to live wholeheartedly in partnership with the Father or God’s constant presence with Him.  The fringe on His garment was merely an extension of Himself: His faith, obedience and devotion.  It had no magical or great spiritual powers.  It really was the least of Him – fringe that trailed behind Him, flared out when He turned.

Here was a woman who had suffered not only from twelve years of bleeding, but at the hand of every archaic medical practice, home remedy, superstition and quack. It cost her far more than every cent she had.  Deemed unclean, she was untouchable and cut off from worship and others (Leviticus 15:25). Her need was life consuming. 

She was desperate, but not hopeless.  There was Jesus.  She believed that her greatest need could be met by the least of Jesus!  If she could just reach through the crowd that constantly surrounded Him and touch the fringe, it would be enough.  Setting aside the doubts, the fear, the social taboos, the impossibility of it all, she reached out. As the fringe on His cloak feathered across her fingers she knew immediately that she was completely healed.  God’s grace was sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9). From the riches that are in Christ, God supplied all her needs (Philippians 4:19).

She wasn’t the only one. When people heard that Jesus was coming, “they sent word into all that surrounding district and brought to Him all who were sick; and they implored Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were cured.” (Matt. 14:35,36)  By faith in the grace of God, they too reached out. They believed that the least of Jesus was sufficient to meet their greatest needs! 

The size of our need is not the issue.  Our needs often seem the size of Mt. Everest. Luke 17:6 says that faith the size of a mustard seed – literally this much | – is enough to move mountains. Just as it isn’t about the size of our need, it is also not about the size of our faith.  It is about the size of our God.  Our God is so powerful, loving and able, that the least of Him can truly meet our greatest need.  He is able! (Ephesians 3:20,21)

Making It Personal

In Matthew 15:21-28, a Canaanite woman came to Jesus with her greatest need. Her daughter was cruelly demon-possessed. Jesus challenged her with the social and religious disqualifications.  Do you tell yourself God is able, but you are unworthy or inadequate to receive His attention?

What gives you the right to ask? (Hebrews 4:16 and Hebrews 10:19-22)

Just as the bleeding woman didn’t allow taboos and crowds to keep her from reaching out to Jesus, this mom would not allow anything to discourage her from her pursuit of having her greatest need met. What do you allow to discourage you?

The Canaanite woman believed the crumbs from God’s table was sufficient to meet her and her daughter’s greatest need!  The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years believe just touching the fringe on Jesus’ garment was enough.  How much of God do you believe is necessary to meet your greatest need?

What is keeping you from gathering crumbs and reaching out?