Thursday, May 05, 2022


Waiting has been a part of God’s formula for life since the beginning.  Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had to wait. The tantalizing fruit the serpent offered Eve was no wait food, wisdom and godliness. (Genesis 3:5,6)  God too desired that they have these things, but from Him and in His way and timing. That usually requires waiting. We do not like to wait. It constantly reminds us that we are not in control!

Waiting is the predominant theme throughout John 11.
  • Lazarus was deathly ill.  He waited wanting life as it was before, healing and hope. He waited for either death or a miracle, totally out of control as to which was waiting for him.
  •  Mary and Martha waited for Jesus to do something – anything - just something! It could be His dropping everything and rushing to their brother’s bedside, or speaking a healing word right where He was without having to go anywhere. He had done that with the royal officials son (John 4:46-53), why not the “one whom You love.” Something! Soon!
  • The disciples waited for Jesus to respond promptly and predictably as well.
  • Thomas waited for the worst to happen.  Last time they were in the area the Jews had tried to stone Jesus (John 10:31).  He expected the predictable.

 Even after Jesus arrived in Bethany, there was a lot of waiting:
  • Mary waited while Martha risked the first encounter with Jesus. Let her sister vent their anger and disappointment. Maybe Mary was giving Him a “taste of His own medicine” by making Him wait for her like He had made her wait for Him.
  • Martha had resigned to wait for someday – the next life, heaven, to get what she had been waiting for: Lazarus alive and well.
  • The Jews waited to see what Jesus would do.  Some waited out of curiosity, some waited for that little more so they could believe (John 11:45), others waited for failure, some waited for something scandalous to tell those in charge (John 11:46).
  • They all waited for the horrendous stench of death that confirmed they had all waited in vain.
  • When Lazarus was called by name back into life, he waited for others to grasp the incredible reality of grace and help him get out of the grave clothes, so they all could celebrate.
Through it all, while they waited, Jesus too waited.  He is constantly waiting. He waits for the one thing, the only thing worth waiting for: the glory of God. (John 11:4,40)  The glory of God requires our finding what we are waiting for coming from Him, in His way and in His timing.

Whatever the circumstances or need, His glory is the one thing we too need to wait for.

Making It Personal

Do you identify with any of the waiting described in this devotion?

How do you tend to respond when forced to wait?

Life is full of waiting. What are some of the things you found yourself waiting for last year?

What are some of the things you are waiting for right now as you enter a new year?

Look at each of the thing you are waiting for and ask yourself these hard questions:
  • Am I waiting for a specific timing, response or outcome?
  • Do I really want God’s glory more than what I see as the reasonable response/outcome?
  •  What difference would choosing to wait for God’s glory make in what I do right now and how I wait?

Fill in the blank in the following chorus and make it your prayer:
            In my ___________________, Lord, be glorified; be glorified.
            In my ___________________, Lord, be glorified today.