Thursday, May 12, 2022

Soil Readiness

Planting seeds is an investment.  A wise farmer wants the best return for his effort and financial outlay.  His intent is that each seed he puts into the ground takes root, grows properly and bears an abundance of high caliber produce.  There are two elements that determine the return on his investment: the quality of seed and the condition of the soil.

In this parable and in our lives, the seed being planted is by far the best of the best.  God is continually attempting to sow into our lives the living and enduring word of God. (1 Peter 1:22,23) What grows from these seeds of truth are the fruit of light (Ephesians 5:9) and the fruit of God’s own Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23). It isn’t meant to last just for a season, but for eternity, “constantly bearing fruit and increasing.” (Colossians 1:6)

That leaves the variable of the soil/soul. Its readiness determines if and how well the seed of truth grows.   We need to ascertain the condition of the soil of our soul. This parable identifies four soil/soul conditions: road hard, rocky, weedy and well prepared.

Every field has hard paths, as does every heart.  It is where “everyone” walks and does life. At times it is deliberate, but for the most part it is thoughtless, redundant, “normal” and usually unintentional. A seed that falls on hard packed soil never has a chance. It remains exposed to the elements, “birds” snatch it up, or it gets crushed into the ground by the constant traffic of doing life.  Hosea 10:12 tells us we need to get in there and plow up the hard spots of our hearts or it will remain a “no grow” area of our lives.

Then there are the rocks. One of the first things a farmer has to do when preparing a field for planting is dig out the rocks. Left in the field they damage the plow, get in the way, but worst of all change the temperature of the soil. Rocks quickly heat in the sun and can cook the seeds, and at night become quite cold and can kill them with frost. They make the seed susceptible to every change in its environment.  When “rocks” of willfulness, bad habits and old self-attitudes and behavior remain, we too are adversely impacted by their perilous presence. 

Weeds are inevitable in a world full of untended fields. They carry on the winds and quickly take root. Once they begin to grow, they steal the light, water and nutrients. They stunt the growth of what God plants, and limit or thwart the fruitfulness He desires. Left these worries, lies and desires for unhealthy things spread and crowd out the seed of truth. There is only one solution: identifying them quickly for what they are and painstakingly pulling them out. 

Good soil that is rich and ready doesn’t just happen.  It must be plowed deeply, stubborn roots and rocks blasted out if necessary, constantly weeded, fertilized, which can be pretty unpleasant experience, and intentionally irrigated with living water, especially in a world plagued by an ongoing drought (Amos 8:11-13).  A good farmer, who truly desires the ultimate production from his field, will do all this and more. The result is a return of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred-fold.

Making It Personal

Normally a farmer does not ask his field for permission to make it fruitful.  Ours does. James 1:21 tells us to “humbly accept the word planted in you.”  What do you think this requires of you personally?

The entire “field” does not have to be characterized by adverse conditions to thwart fruitfulness.  Any hard, rocky and/or weed infested area will limit what is produced.  What is the condition of the soil of your soul?

Take some time to do some soil testing - identify any existing hazards to fruitfulness in your life:

·      Hard packed:
o   What in your life is impenetrable to seeds of truth because of apathy, compromise and willfulness? (Note: truth perceived as uncomfortable and inconvenient are often the first indicators of this soil condition.) 

o   What changes or risks of obedience are you resisting/refusing to make?

·      Rocky:
o   What aspects of your life are characterized by attitudes and behaviors that fit more with the old self before Christ? 

o   What is keeping truth from taking deep roots in your heart and life so that it changes how you think, feel, speak and act?

·      Weeds:
o   What areas are crowded with distractions, doubts, fears and anxiety? 

o   Follow the path of your mental meandering. What is absorbing your spiritual, emotional, and physical resources?

The Lord knows that the greatest fruitfulness will come when we work in partnership with Him and allows Him to do everything that needs to be done regardless how tedious or invasive.  What do you feel the Holy Spirit is asking of you today to make your life more fruitful?