Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rope Course

I am not sure what possessed me to take on the challenge of the rope course where my sister worked doing team building. With the mantra of “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” playing over and over again in my head, I was determined to face my fear of heights and conquer that giant piece of equipment.  And I did!  But when I got off, my hands were flaming red and extremely sore. The reason: I did not trust the tether to hold me.  
It was there to keep me from falling.  All I needed to do was use the other ropes for balance. Instead, I exchanged one death grip for another. Those taunt ropes that hurt my hands were visible support I thought I could trust. But what was really holding me was the tether with its intentional slack, so I could navigate the entire course. Occasionally the tether seemed to catch and hold me back and I responded with annoyance. I constantly forgot that the tether was my lifeline. Fear and misplaced trust had me stressed, sore and frustrated. It should have been fun.

The Lord is our true lifeline! Like the tether, there is often slack in His apparent hold on us.  He could maintain a tight grip, His presence beyond question, but there would be challenges we would not be able to navigate, growth we could not experience.  Slack means His presence is not quite so obvious, but doesn’t change the fact that He is always there firmly holding us.  No one and nothing can disengage our forever tether in Christ. (Romans 8:38,39).  At times, He allows catches and unexpected yanks to remind us not to get ahead of Him.  Sometimes He spreads out the visible support so we have to depend on the Lifeline.   “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)  When we don’t trust Him and desperately grab onto anything and everything for support and stability, we end up stressed, distressed and suffering sore red hands, and often red faced as well.

One more thing I noticed was that my sister had greater balance because she fully trusted the tether. That trust enabled her to help others, especially those frozen by fear.  This applies to life as well.  Greater stability and ability to minister to others are all outflows of trusting the Lord.  This life’s course does not lend itself to familiarity.  It requires not only trusting God, but the support of those who have gone ahead of us, as well as encouraging those who come behind.  It is not a competition. “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembly together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.”  (Hebrews 10:24,25) 

As long as there is a course to be navigated, may we fully put our trust in Him and encourage those who are also on life’s “rope” course.   

Making It Personal

Every element of a rope course is designed with a specific challenge and growth opportunity in mind.  What does Psalm 37:23 say about our life course?

What is the “tethering” promise of Psalm 37:24?

Challenges can freeze us in fear and faithlessness.  What impact does that have on our Lord, according to 2 Timothy 2:13?

Different parts of the course present different challenges in different ways to different people.  True on a rope course, even truer in life.  How can you encourage others in their fear and challenges that are not necessary challenges to you?  How does 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 enable you to be a godly encourager?

Through the Day Challenge

Pay special attention to challenges you and others around you face today. Did the Lord use others to encourage you to keep going?  How did you encourage others as they navigated life’s course?