Thursday, April 21, 2022

Annoying People

(The Scriptures for this devotional are noted later.)

When we deal with other people, we run into the risk of being annoyed by their personality differences, personal choices and our perception of them and their actions and motives. Jesus understands how we feel.  Just look at the people surrounding Him:

·      If impulsiveness and those who speak or act without thinking annoys you, Jesus understands! He had Peter whose motto had to be “Fire, Aim, Ready!” 
·      If uncontrolled emotions annoy you, Jesus understands! He had James and John who were called Sons of Thunder.
·      If people who have ulterior motives annoy you, Jesus understands! Simon was called a Zealot, who wanted to overthrow the Roman government. 
·      If people who question everything, have to see to believe, and experience it for themselves annoy you, Jesus understands! Thomas earned the nickname of Doubting Thomas.
·   If people who manipulate and take advantage of others annoy you, Jesus understands! He had Judas Iscariot who was really only following Jesus for what he got out of it.
·   If the disciples were not enough, add the Pharisees. The ones who pursued righteousness to the extreme totally missed what a right relationship with God was really all about.  They went out of their way to annoy Jesus simply because they saw Him as a threat to their power and authority.

Jesus knew what it is like to be annoyed!  Read Matthew 9:2-6; 16:21-23; and 17:15-17.

People can be annoying.  But that does not justify our usual response – impatience, anger, ignoring them, or putting them down.  Annoyance has a way of feeding our pride.  If we are not careful, we act accordingly.  Jesus was annoyed, but never sinned.  He gave us an example to follow when dealing with the annoying people that infiltrate our lives: Grace!
·      Annoyers don’t deserve patience.  Grace gives it anyways.
·      Annoyers don’t deserve undivided attention.  Grace gives it anyways.
·      Annoyers don’t deserve forgiveness.  Grace gives it anyways.
·      Annoyers don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.  Grace gives it anyways.
When we were beyond annoying, God stepped in with an abundance of grace. 
·      Annoyers don’t deserve salvation.  Grace gives it anyways. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

When we act graciously, we are acting like Jesus. We encourage, not discourage; build up, not tear down; bless, not blast. It requires a willingness to adjust our attitude. (Phillipians 2:3-5), rather than their behavior to what we find less annoying.

Making It Personal

What attitude or behavior push your buttons and is sure to annoy you?

How do the following Scriptures apply to dealing with annoying people?
·      Luke 6:32-36
·      1 Peter 4:8
·      Romans 12:18

What is our reason for doing this, according to 1 John 4:19?

How will choosing to care about them and prioritize what is best for them (agape love) alter your attitude and response?

Those you live and work with will most likely be the ones who tend to annoy you, especially when stressed or tired. Why is it especially important to respond graciously to those with whom you do life?