Tuesday, February 01, 2022

What To Say

One of the scariest aspect of dealing with people, especially in new or unusual situations is knowing what to say.  God knows the importance of our words.  In specific situations where we need to defend our faith, He promises that His Spirit will give us the words (Luke 12:11,12). He also gives us a very specific guideline on how to respond to everyone and anyone in any given situation: What we say is always to be “with grace, seasoned with salt.”  (Colossians 4:5,6)

When we respond with grace, we are manifesting the presence and character of Christ in our lives. At the heart of God’s grace is agape love that chooses to care and prioritize others wellbeing.  Truth is always to be spoken in love. (Ephesians 4:15)   Love without truth is a lie; truth without love is destructive and graceless. It is making sure that what we say is “seasoned with salt” assures it is love and truth.

Salt has many wonderful usages and purposes. One or more of these purposes must be accomplished if we are truly speaking truth in love and with grace.
•   Enhances flavor   -  The characteristics of the Holy Spirit are described as “fruit.” Fruit has identifiable flavor.  That flavor should be immediately identifiable.
•  Preserves purity and prevents spoilage - Identifies what is worth saving. By prioritizes what is right and true destructive attitudes and infectious thinking is kept at bay.
•    Brings healing to wounds.
•   Kills weeds - At times truly loving them means dealing with the hard issues of sin.  This right has to be earned through consistent and genuine love.  It must be carefully administered as the wrong time or amount will have adverse impact and can actually kill what is good to the extent of sterilizing the ground, thus hindering anything from growing in the future. 
•   Prepares roadways  -   A thick layer of salt was intentionally laid out to create a roadbed.  Whatever was growing there before was killed and cleared away enabling a new beginning. In place of weeds something beneficial was created. 
•  Maintains essential balance  -  There are times when salt must be intentionally consumed, especially when the prevailing climate is hot, exceptionally windy, dry or humid.  Salt restores life-sustaining electrolytes.
•    Turns manure into fertilizer  - Takes the nasty waste naturally produced by living in this world, break it down and make it something that enables fruitfulness and future growth. 
•    Creates thirst

It is hard to imagine that being a bit frightened and/or intimidated is a good thing. But when it makes us stop and think before we speak, it allows us to apply the salt test and speak with confidence, always knowing “how to respond to each person” (Colossians 4:6). Speaking “with grace, seasoned with salt” is like speaking a foreign language, practice makes perfect.  Begin today practicing applying the salt test.

Making It Personal

Think about a conversation that you recently participated in.  Put what you said to the following salt test.

Salt test:

•   Does your words bring out the flavors of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) and/or of light (Ephesians 5:9)?
•    Does it bring out the best in others, the situation and in you?
•    Does it pass the quality checklist of Philippians 4:8?
•    Is it making what is good last longer?
•    Are there identifiable future benefits?
•    Are you helping or hurting?
•    Whose best is at the core of this encounter? 
•    Have you earned the right to address this issue? 
•    Is this the right time and means?
•    Does it lead to wholeness?
•    Are you willing to walk the road your words create?
•    Can you invite others to follow your example (1 Corinthians 11:1)?
•    Is the prevailing situation sucking the “salt” out of them?
•    Does what you say restore, refresh or renew others? 
•    Are you helping them regain healthy balance? 
•    Are they built up and encouraged (Ephesians 4:29)?
•    Does it enable fruitfulness and future growth?
•    Does the “saltiness” of your life make others desire more of the living water freely flowing through you?

Through the Day Challenge

Make a conscious effort to ask yourself the above questions as you interact with others today.