Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Warning: No Coasting!

Our spiritual journey can be compared to driving up a very steep mountain.  As long as we keep the engine engaged and are giving it fuel, we will keep moving.  At times progress seems minute, but we are not losing ground.  Keeping our spiritual engines engaged requires staying connected to the Holy Spirit. We do this through listening and obediently responding to His convictions and promptings.  We apply the necessary fuel through a consistent intake of God’s word.

However, throw it into neutral and we will start coasting backwards. Coasting is when we decide we can handle it from here, we know enough, “this” part is easy, or we may even think we have arrived and have this “being a Christian” thing under control.  It may be unperceivable at first, but if immediate action is not taken, that backward ride builds in momentum with possible deadly consequences.

The writer of Hebrews describes the extreme where one can gain such backward momentum and coast so far that it is “impossible” to resume the journey back up the mountain of faith.  It is not that God can’t or won’t give them a start over, but they won’t accept one.  In their self-serving willfulness, they have destroyed the engine and contaminated the fuel line.  In this rare scenario, this person has slid way back to a place of resistance and rebellion against the Holy Spirit and rejects Scripture to the point they now believe it to be a lie.  These two God-given elements that empower our spiritual journey to greater intimacy with Christ means absolutely nothing to this person regardless of how he or she claimed to believe in the past.  They are stuck at the bottom of the hill in the ditch of impossible.

This is a warning.  A warning means that the danger exists. It also means that it is avoidable.  We need to take it seriously, beginning with being alert to any indications that we are coasting. Verses 7 and 8, tell us to begin by evaluating what is being produced in our lives. Is it a “crop” beneficial to others, as well as self, or “weeds” that are worthless or even hazardous? The direction we are headed is evident in what we consistently think about, our prevailing attitude and the things we say and do. Alertness must be followed with making any necessary corrections and adjustments.

Like the writer of Hebrews, I am “confident of better things in your case.” The Holy Spirit is actively at work in our lives to keep us moving forward. God’s word is empowered by Him to fuel our passion and purpose.  But we too must do our part.  Standing still is never an option in our spiritual journey.  It is either forwards or backwards.  We must choose to pursue the challenging climb of growing in faith and Christ-likeness, be fully engaged and tank full, or we will coast downhill away from all the possibilities God has for us.  No coasting is one warning we must heed on a daily basis.

Making It Personal

How does accepting challenging opportunities help you keep your spiritual engine engaged?

What are you told to do in Colossians 3:2?  How does this help you keep moving forward in your faith journey?

In your past experiences, what put you in the greatest danger of coasting?

How does actively serving God not exempt you from the danger of coasting?

Coasting can be prevented by awareness and safeguards.  What are some specific things you can do today to make sure you do not disengage and coast?

Through the Day Challenge

Consistent forward progress is increasingly challenging when we attempt to do it on our own.  Journal how others kept you from coasting or helped keep you moving upwards today.