Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Truly Unique

Our Heavenly Father loves uniqueness.  This has been evident from the beginning of creation.  No clones.  No cookie cutter creation. The Father’s love for uniqueness was demonstrated in the very first humans created.  Only two, but as different as they possibly could be: man and woman.  We all are wonderfully unique. We are also a work in progress.

Each one of us is like a framed canvas.  Our frames are all different.  Some of us are a bit plain and quite practical.  Some of us are ornate, others a bit rustic, and others antique.  We come in every possible color and shape.  On this canvas, a picture is being painted.  The colors being used are quite diverse.  They include: our genetics, our emotional makeup and temperament, personality, talents and abilities, where we grow up and live, personal experience and circumstances, as well as the people with whom we interact. All these and more are used on the canvas of our lives.

What is “painted” is determined by the artist.  And we get to choose who that will be. We can choose to be our own artist.  Unfortunately, so much is out of our control. Other people keep getting into our supplies and mess with the colors.  Unexpected circumstances turn everything totally upside down.  We keep trying to make improvements, corrections or come up with a totally different plan. The result is chaos and the primary color is goulash – the color you get when all the colors are mixed together.

When we finally recognize that we do not know what we are doing, when our best efforts only keep making it worse, we need to hand it all over to the Master.  He promises a complete start-over!  (Read 2 Corinthians 5:17.)

Using the very same colors, the Master paints on the canvas of our lives. He adds new ones specifically selected just for each of us – spiritual gifts chosen intentionally for us with His master plan in mind.  He knows every opportunity and every situation that is ahead and selects the perfect gift or gifts to balance and enhance the other colors and textures already in or to be added to our lives. 

The masterpiece of our lives is a work in progress.  We do not know all the colors, textures and shapes the Father will be using, but Scripture does tell us what the subject of His masterpiece is. (Read Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18.  The masterpiece is a unique and beautiful portrait of His Son.  Every life under His Lordship will be a one-of-a-kind likeness of Jesus!  If He is the artist, it will be perfect!  Fitting to be permanently displayed in the Father’s house.

Making It Personal

Who is painting on the canvas of your life these days? 

We can mess up the canvas of our lives to the point of hopelessness, but what does God offer us according to Deuteronomy 4:29 and Acts 3:19?

How does it make you feel that God is using all that makes you uniquely you and all that takes place in your life to create a one of a kind portrait of Christ?

While interacting to others, why is it folly to judge people by their “frame”?

Your words and actions will add color and/or texture to the lives of others.  How does that image impact how you interact with others today?

Through the Day Challenge

Think of each experience in terms of being a “color.”  What “color(s)” do you feel God added today to the unique portrait of Christ He is creating in you?