Tuesday, February 22, 2022

No Rules?

There is a defining truth about Christianity:  it is not a religion of rules, but a relationship of respect and reverence!  There are no rules that condemn us, if we don’t do them, nor is there a long list of things we can’t do and still be a Christian or must do to stay saved.  Paul made a very broad statement that can be easily abused, “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.” (v. 12)

Does “everything is permissible” really mean we can do anything, even those things we know are wrong?  Can we lie, steal or cheat?  We can, but we won’t, not if we truly have a relationship of respect and reverence with Jesus.  It would break our heart, to hurt His.  Obeying the commandments in God’s word should be “want-to-do’s” simply because we love God and want to please Him in every possible way.  Out of deep respect for God, our attitude should be, “just say it and I’ll do it!”

However, there are a lot of choices that are not addressed in Scripture. Every issue and possibility that spans the centuries is not dealt with in the Bible.  Different cultures face different choices and challenges.  God doesn’t need to reissue a 21st century edition to cover modern do and don’ts, or a country specific version to address their unique issues.  Instead, God’s word gives us guiding principles that span time and cultures.  What it says is “not everything is beneficial.”  As citizens of the Kingdom of God, what we do should benefit our King and His kingdom.  Out of grace, it should also benefit others. We must be keenly aware of whether or not our choices hurt or hinder others who may or may not yet be a part of God’s kingdom.  If it is not beneficial, there is no need to do it.

There are also some things that are not wrong at all.  That is where the other guideline comes into play. “Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”  We have to be very careful that what God allows us to enjoy does not take over.  God lets us watch TV, but if it consumes all our time, it has taken over.  The same thing goes with the computer, sports, and friends, even “church stuff.”  Freedom abused enslaves!  Whatever controls what we do or how we think, masters us.  We can only serve one master (Matthew 6:24).  If we have a relationship of respect and reverence with God, our Lord and Master will be Jesus.

“Everything is permissible for me” is a wonderful gift of grace.  Christ invites us to live in the freedom of grace and thoroughly enjoy our relationship with God who loves us deeply.  Yes, it may mean not doing everything we want or everything we could, but the sacrifice will truly be worth it as God pours His blessings in and through our lives.

Making It Personal

Why do many prefer religiously defined rules rather than obvious freedom Christ extends?

How can we impose “rules” on others as proof or condition of faith or salvation?

Why do you think the Lord chose to extend to you a relationship where “everything is permissible,” but obviously not what you should do?

How does Philippians 4:8 help you decide if something is beneficial and whether or not you should do something?

According John 8:29, what determined what Jesus did or did not do?

Through the Day Challenge

It is so easy to infer that “can” means “do it.” We don’t take the time to put the “permissible” to the “should” test.  Make a focused effort to do that today.  Where were you aware that though it was permissible, God’s will for you was “no”?  Why do you think He said “no”?