Tuesday, December 28, 2021


When Peter wrote this letter, he wrote to a group of strangers.  They were not strangers to Peter, but a group of people who were living among people where they were the ones that were different.  Everyone else belonged to the world they lived in.  They didn’t.  As Christians, that is you.  You are the one that is different, in the neighborhood, at school, at the mall, and on the job. Peter wrote this letter to you.

As the ones that are different, God tells us how to behave:  Holy! “Be holy, because I am holy.”  The word Peter used was hagios: to be set apart from the common and ordinary; pure, moral, and blameless in heart and life.  Holiness is vitally important because as Hebrews 12:14 tells us: “Without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” 

When you accepted that Jesus paid the full price for all your sins, you were made holy: set apart as special to God, different from the common and ordinary, blameless and pure.  You are different, so be different – be HOLY! 

We can wrap our mind around the fact that God is holy. It is the part about our being holy that has us shaking our heads.  How in this world are we supposed to do that? Graciously God answers that question in verse 13:
1)  Prepare your minds for action.” –Holiness begins by getting out of the way anything in the way. Are there thoughts that are holding you back or slowing you down? In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we are told to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”  In other words, we need to think about what we are thinking about and align them with how Jesus thinks.
2) “Be self-controlled” - This is quite different from being in control.  It is self under control. Self likes comfort, convenience and control. Being a stranger does not often offer these things.  Instead we need to come under the Holy Spirit’s control by wholeheartedly submitting to His filling and flowing in our lives.  He then produces in us Christ-like attributes which include self-control. (Galatians 5:22,23)
3) “Set your hope fully on the grace …”  The word translated “hope” actually refers to a sail or being borne along like a ship driven by the wind.  Holiness results when you let the grace you receive from Christ drive your desires and motivate your actions. Grace prioritizes what is best for others whether they deserve it or not. The winds of grace will always blow you towards being holy and glorifying God.

Holiness means thinking and act different because you are different. Live like it!  Make the truth of being holy in God’s eyes a reality in the choices you make, the words you say and things you do. This requires being focused, submitted and gracious. When that is true the result is holiness.

Making It Personal

In what ways are the differences between you and the people you are around daily evident?

God set us apart in order to draw others to Christ.  Which attributes of holiness would you consider the most “attractive”?

Attitude toward being “different” is extremely important. 

Why must our differences and what sets us apart be handled with great grace and humility?

How can the un-holiness of pride or arrogance use those differences against God’s purpose?

Through the Day Challenge

Be aware how others were drawn to holiness through your and fellow believers’ actions and attitudes.