Tuesday, January 04, 2022

A Parable About A Lot

He had looked for a long time for this piece of property.  When he found it, he knew it was worth the exorbitant price he had paid.  Before him he saw great beauty and purpose. Perfectly located so many would be impacted by what he planned. He could hardly wait to put his name on it.

Others paused to see what he found so mesmerizing. What they saw made them shake their head in disbelief. What a hopeless mess!  It was crisscrossed with road-hard paths where too many shortcuts had been taken. Countless people had walked all over this seemingly worthless piece of real estate. Scattered hodge-podge were piles of rubble along with broken and barely standing walls.  Evidence that someone had tried to build something.  Everything was entangled with weeds so thick and tall that the roots themselves seem to be anchored in hell itself. It was incredulous that anyone would be foolish enough to invest anything in this worthless mess.

It wasn’t worthless at all. He had amazing plans. It was going to be his gift to his father. He was personally going to transform it for his father’s glory. The weeds were ruthlessly pulled and hauled away. Each stone separated, stacked and used in a variety of ways: a protective wall, a hearth of warmth and comfort, a bench to rest and meditate. Nothing was wasted. The hard ground was carefully tilled, fertilized and planted.  Beauty was incorporated in all he did, but purpose was always his priority.  This wasn’t just about transforming the property, but all that would be possible because of his efforts. He invested everything he had and was into this special project.

In wonder, those who had said “impossible” watched the progress.  It was miraculous in its scope. They knew that the whole neighborhood would be impacted by what he was doing. A longing grew within each of them. They too had a lot that needed his vision, his efforts, his master’s touch. Would he come and change it as well?

That transformed lot is a life. Taken from wasted and worthless, and made into something that proudly bears His name and carries out His work.   Read Ephesians 2:10.

“On” your life He wants to build something wonderful: a school where others learn of His amazing grace and truth; a hospital where His healing touch ministers to hurting bodies, hearts and souls; an orchard where hungry souls are nourished with the fruit of His Spirit; a retreat where weary lives are renewed and invigorated with a gentle touch and a kind word. He has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life – a gift to give and share with a needy word.

Making It Personal

What price did Christ pay for the privilege of transforming your life?

When you look at your own life and/or others, do you tend to see the possible or the impossible?

What does it mean to you that Christ sees nothing but value, purpose and possibility in your life?  How does/should this impact your opinion of others?

He is still looking for lives to transform.  He wants to uses what He is doing in your life to do amazing things in the lives of others. How does this truth impact your perspective on today’s challenges?

Through the Day Challenge

If your life was a “structure” in the Kingdom of God, what do you see the Lord building out of your life?  Use your imagination. How did God use you in this capacity today?