Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Lost and Found

Read Luke 15

Jesus often taught in simple stories, called parables, that taught a significant truth. In Luke 15, He didn’t tell them three parables, but one: the Parable of the Lost.  In this parable, three things were lost: a sheep, a coin, and a son.

Sheep are not the brightest animals, but they are of value to the shepherd.  It doesn’t take much for them to get into trouble. They put their noses to the ground and as they munch away can easily wander off into danger.  The littlest thing can make them bolt and end up in the strangest places. Because they tend to become top heavy, they can easily fall over an edge or into a crevice.  A sheep gets lost because it does not know better.

This particular coin also mattered greatly to its owner. It was a common practice in the Middle East for a new husband to give his bride a dowry of coins (usually 10).  They were like life insurance so she would be provided for if anything happened to him.  Often these were sewn on a headpiece and worn across the forehead. To lose one of these coins was serious business. A husband could accuse his careless wife of selling one to buy a lover. It would stand up in court as proof of adultery. The punishment for adultery was death by stoning! This coin was lost because of personal negligence – forgetting how truly important each coin was and continually going through the effort to make sure it was secure.

The third thing lost was a son, loved and valued by his father.  This familiar character is often referred to as the “prodigal son.”  The word “prodigal” actually means extravagant.  He was Party Boy supreme! As long as the cash held out he did and had it all.  No one could tell him what he could or couldn’t do. He was lost because of willfulness and rebellion.

The world is full of lost people. They are lost for these very same reasons. Some don’t know better. No one has told them about God’s love and how they can have life through Jesus.  Some are lost because they don’t realize how very important it is to personally ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. They have heard and someday plan on doing something about it. Negligence and apathy pushes it off until later, a later they may never have.  Some know all right, but no one is going to tell them how to live and what to do. It is going to be their way or no way. They think they don’t need God and make very foolish choices.

It was also a Parable of the Found. Each was valuable and effort was made to find each of them.

Making It Personal

God is sending you to find the lost!  How does this impact your personal actions and attitude towards those you encounter to today?

Those who are neglecting the truth have to realize they are missing something valuable. They have to see it in you.  How can you get across the importance without pressuring or forcing the issue?

God has given you gifts of grace that are for your wellbeing and make you usable. What safeguards have you put in place to make sure they do not get lost due to neglect?

God is working even in the most rebellious hearts to bring them back to a love relationship with Himself. The father had the hardest job. He had to wait with unwavering faith.  What role does patience and unwavering faith have in your reaching out to others?