Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Building Blocks

What is it about blocks that are so much fun to play with, even as grownups?  It must be the challenge of fitting the different shapes together to see how strong and high we can build.  But far beyond playing with wooden blocks is the important job of building our lives into something strong and significant for God’s glory and purpose.

According to verse 3, everything we need for life and godliness has been allocated to us through truly knowing Jesus Christ.  This is not referring to having an extensive knowledge about Jesus, but the knowing that only comes from having a personal and dynamic relationship with Him.  It is on the foundation of this intimate relationship that we are to build.  We all know what happens when we try to stack blocks on something that is not solid or steady.  A structure (whether blocks, buildings or a life) is only as stable as the foundation on which it is built.

The Holy Spirit has provided us with the building blocks. Verses 5-7 lists them in the order they are to be applied to our lives: faith, excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, and kindness.  Finally we are to cap our lives with love that unquestionably identifies us with Jesus.  The more we want to be defined by and share God’s love, the more the other qualities must increase.

We start with faith. The weight of everything else rests on what we believe enough to consistently act accordingly.  On faith goes excellence. Also translated “goodness” and “virtue,” the word arate means giving the best we have. It doesn’t mean perfection, but giving all we have within us.  Next comes a constant growth in knowledge. Followed by self-control or more accurately self under control or total dependence on the Holy Spirit. Building on these is perseverance and its unwavering commitment, even when giving in and up would be so easy.  Next is godliness that is just what it says: god-likeness and being like Christ to the full extent of our knowing who He is. Then we are to apply an abundance of kindness that willingly connects with others at the point of their need. On top of it all is love as God Himself is love, choosing to care unconditionally and acting accordingly.

These building blocks also need to be properly aligned. The Greek word bebaios, in verse 10, translated “certain” or “sure,” actually means “stabilize or center on the foundation.”  When these are centered on a deep and abiding relationship with Christ and each one continues to increase, we are given several wonderful promises: we are useful, our lives are productive, and what we are building will not come tumbling down, but keep growing so God’s love becomes more and more evident.

Making It Personal

The foundation of your life must be built on Jesus Christ.  Any other foundation is riddled with faults.  What are some other things on which a person can try to build his/her life?

It is easy to substitute what others believe (i.e. parents or church teaching) for real personal faith. Why is it so important that you know what you truly believe about Jesus Christ?

Why can’t you be defined by love if one or more of the other characteristics are missing, minimized or out of place?

This topic requires an ongoing assessment of the foundation of your life and an honest evaluation of the building blocks to make sure they are centered and increasing.  Make an effort to begin this process today. Journal your discovery.