Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What to Wear

Can you remember a time when you were made to wear something you really did NOT want to wear? We have our own opinion on what feels or looks good, and doggedly resist when it doesn’t.  In 1 Peter 5, we are told to wear some things that really sound uncomfortable: submission and humility!

When we think of submission, we tend to think of doing everything we are told, even if we absolutely do NOT want to do it nor think it is the appropriate thing to do. We also think we are not to express our opinion, question anything, and never ever say “no.”  As to humility, we think being put down, put out and put last.  But we try - really try!  Yet we constantly struggle. We feel hypocritical. As a result, it undermines our self-esteem spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Nonetheless, God clearly asks us to do it.  Maybe the problem is our definition as to what these two really mean.

The definition of humility (tapeinos) does include bringing low, but in the context of bringing down from too high a position.  It also means to raise up. Humility is bringing our perspective on self back into balance.  If we have too high a view, humility brings it down.  If too low, then humility means coming up. Balance means give and take, being considerate, and compensating for other’s strengths and/or weaknesses.  Most of all it recognizes how much God’s continual involvement is needed to make the necessary adjustments in our lives, so that we are constantly in balance. A humble heart cooperates with God as He points out what needs to be surrendered and removed in order to bring our self-view into godly balance.

Submission (hupotasso) literally means “under lay” – to place under in an orderly fashion.  This term is used to refer to the foam layer placed under carpet. Fittingly this also provides an excellent example of what submission truly means.  Underlay enhances the quality of the carpet. Submission enhances the quality of other’s lives and what they do. It makes them better than they would be without you.  Underlay extends the duration of carpet.  Submission extends other’s strength, resources and purpose. They last longer. They accomplish more. Finally, underlay enables the carpet to do what it does best.  Submission enables others to do what God wants them to do more efficiently and more consistently.

When God asks us to submit to one another and clothe self in humility, He is asking us to willing do whatever is necessary to keep everything in balance and enhance, extend and enable His will and purpose in our lives and other’s.  They both result in giving God glory and pouring His grace into others. Dressed in submission and humility truly is being dressed in grace and glory.  The fit is perfect and will always put us on the best-dressed list.  It is definitely what to wear!

Making It Personal

What throws humility off balance is the “accessories” we add. Some of these are mentioned in today’s Scripture reading. What can we add that results in …
… a too high self-view? 

… a too low self-view?

When it comes to being out of balanced, which of these tend to give you the most trouble?

Submission is obviously all about others. Clothing self with submission and humility means putting them on.  What does this mean to you?

How does this impact your perspective on the cost and sacrifice of serving others?

Through the Day Challenge

God will put opportunities in your day for you to choose to put on submission and humility.  Today watch for opportunities and this evening take a few minutes to journal the results of choices you made.