Sunday, July 17, 2011

Taking a Cue from the World

There was a successful businessman whose bank balance indicated that his accountant was messing around big time and costing him to lose money.  It doesn’t appear he was stealing or embezzling, but his sloppy bookkeeping and apathy was significantly affecting the profits.  Customers were not paying their bills!  The owner called him into his office and told him he wanted to see the books.  If the accountant was at fault, he would be fired.

The accountant knew he was in BIG trouble.  He had to do something quick or he would end up digging ditches or begging on the street corner.  So he came up with a plan: he figured out what the customer needed, then would use the resources he had at his disposal to get the customers to pay their bills. Because the customer couldn’t pay the entire bill, none of the bill had been paid.  The accountant called each customer, reduced the bill to what they COULD afford and got the outstanding bill paid.

The businessman actually commended him!  He praised the accountant for his ingenuity in getting old debts paid.  Because of his shrewdness, instead of the books showing a huge amount past due, they showed all accounts up-to-date and large deposits.  Sure the discounts cost the businessman, but not as much as never being paid would have cost.   Thus, he was happy. The customer was happy, because he no longer owed this huge debt.  And if the accountant got to keep his job, he would be happy as well.

Jesus also commended the accountant. Christians need to learn an important lesson from him:  figure out what the “customer” needs and use what you have to meet it.  Athletic? Use sports. Musical? Use music. Artistic? Use creativity. Smart? Use your intelligence. Personable? Use your friendliness.  God gives you gifts, talents, abilities, resources, and knowledge to make a difference in other’s lives and bring heaven to earth. 

We need to be wise stewards of what has been entrusted to us. Unfortunately, we tend to use them to make ourselves comfortable and content in our own little world.  We can be like the accountant at the beginning of the story: messing around, neglecting our responsibilities, apathetic and careless.  As a result: our customer’s debt continues to overwhelm them without hope of ever getting it paid off; our boss, the Lord, continues to lose profit, as His kingdom stagnates and lives remain untouched by His love, and we are useless. 

They need grace; you have grace.  You have what they need to make an eternal difference in their lives.  Ultimately all benefit.

Making It Personal

The rule of a successful business is: identify a need and meet it with what you have or can do for them.  How does this rule apply to being “successful” as you are actively involved in the Kingdom of God?

In the story, what was the customer(s) greatest need?

Those you minister to are your “customers.”  What is their greatest need?

What has God entrusted to you that enables you to meet that need and benefit both them and the Lord?

Through the Day Challenge

When heaven comes to earth through you, everyone, especially the Lord, benefits.  How have you seen this happen today.