Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Enough for the Impossible

Jesus and his disciples planned on a small group meeting, but it quickly turned into a massive gathering. (Mark 6:30-33)  A crowd of 5000 men, plus women and children, gathered on that desolate mountain. (Matthew 14:21) There Jesus healed the sick and spoke to them well into the evening (Luke 9:11).  Spellbound no one stopped to eat.  Besides, there were no concession stands set up or fast food places nearby. The crowd was hungry, the disciples were hungry and Jesus was hungry.  In the other Gospel accounts, the disciples wanted Jesus to call it a day and send the people away, so they could set up camp and get something to eat.  Instead, Jesus tells them, “You feed them!”

Jesus knew before He asked that what He asked was impossible.  In John 6:6 it says, “He already had in mind what He was going to do.”  It was a set up!  Jesus set up His disciples (then and now) with impossible challenges because He knows that “the things impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

The disciples had two very distinct responses to this challenge.  Philip looked at the bank balance: 200 denarii.  He saw the tangible, measurable resources, as too little and the demand too great.  How many were going to be fed with Philip’s not-enough-attitude? No one, including himself!

Andrew looked in the cupboard. Can’t you just see him running around asking the crowd if anyone had any food they were willing to share?  Out of 5000-8000 people, only one lad made available what he had.  There had to be more, but obviously the others felt they had nothing extra to share or were willing to sacrifice.  This lad offered everything he had: 5 barley rolls and 2 smoked fish (mere relish to add a little extra flavor to the course bread). He knew it was everything he had. He also saw it as everything he could give.  Maybe he assumed it was to feed Jesus.  He was willing to go without, starve if necessary, for Jesus’ sake.  He gave without any intent of receiving in return.  How many were fed by the lad’s willingness to give all he had?  Everyone, with leftovers! 

Can you imagine the lad’s response when he got home and his mom asked if the food she packed had been enough?  2 Peter 1:2-3 tells us God has already provided us with everything we need for life and godliness. He has provided enough in the seemingly absence of anything. Enough for the impossible! However, making it available is our choice.  Jesus could have fed everyone with 200 denarii, but because it was deemed “not enough” it was withheld.  He uses what is made available and transforms it like He did water into wine or by multiplying it like He did the bread and fish.  He does the impossible with it because He makes it enough!

Making It Personal

When the Lord asks of you the impossible, makes demands that exceed all your resources, you can be confident that He already knows what He intends to do. 

Why would God set you up with an impossible challenge?

How do you usually respond in the face of “impossible”?

How do you measure enough: By the demand?  By what you know is available?  Or do you measure enough by what an all-powerful God can do with it? 

What do you have that can be used by God?

Are you willing to give it to Jesus? 

How can that surrender be practically lived out here and now?

Through the Day Challenge

Journal the impossible you witnessed God doing today with what was made available to Him.