Thursday, June 09, 2022

Having a Shepherd

There is something wonderfully comforting in this most cherished of all Psalms. However, for someone who knows what it means to be a shepherd, the truth that ”the Lord is my Shepherd” is even more precious and powerful.  Isaiah 40:11 tells us “Like a shepherd He [God] will tend His flock.” David knew that everything he did for his little flock, God faithfully did for him (and continually does for us).

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Can’t = Won’t

Under the leadership of Moses, God led the people of Israel to the land He promised to give them.   Getting there hadn’t been easy, but by the grace of God, they had arrived.  However, up close it looked bigger and scarier than it sounded. Faith gave way to fear; trust crumbled under trepidation. They wanted to know exactly what to expect and a detailed map as to where to go from here.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rope Course

I am not sure what possessed me to take on the challenge of the rope course where my sister worked doing team building. With the mantra of “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” playing over and over again in my head, I was determined to face my fear of heights and conquer that giant piece of equipment.  And I did!  But when I got off, my hands were flaming red and extremely sore. The reason: I did not trust the tether to hold me.  

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Cave Daze

At this point all Elisha wanted to do was run away from the world and hide in a cave.  He was in a cave daze.  He felt incredibly alone, and if he had his druthers probably preferred it that way.  However, God shows up and asks him twice: “What are you doing here?”  Twice because this question can be asked two ways: What are you doing HERE? and WHAT are you doing here?  We have to answer the first question, before we can answer the second.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Soil Readiness

Planting seeds is an investment.  A wise farmer wants the best return for his effort and financial outlay.  His intent is that each seed he puts into the ground takes root, grows properly and bears an abundance of high caliber produce.  There are two elements that determine the return on his investment: the quality of seed and the condition of the soil.

Thursday, May 05, 2022


Waiting has been a part of God’s formula for life since the beginning.  Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had to wait. The tantalizing fruit the serpent offered Eve was no wait food, wisdom and godliness. (Genesis 3:5,6)  God too desired that they have these things, but from Him and in His way and timing. That usually requires waiting. We do not like to wait. It constantly reminds us that we are not in control!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

A New Recipe For Love

Loving one another isn’t new to any of us.  Nor was it to those John wrote to so many years ago.  If they grew up in Judaism, they were taught as little ones to “love their neighbors as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18)  Even if they came from no religious background, they too knew they should love others. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Annoying People

(The Scriptures for this devotional are noted later.)

When we deal with other people, we run into the risk of being annoyed by their personality differences, personal choices and our perception of them and their actions and motives. Jesus understands how we feel.  Just look at the people surrounding Him: